Chapter 26 - Visiting hours.

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* Shane's POV *

Jared, Jacob, and I continued to talk-more about their lives than mine, but I didn't mind-until I told them I was sleepy. I really wasn't, but sleeping was my safe haven. I got to see Joey in my sleep-nightmares or not, he was there. So they climbed off my hospital bed, told mom they were off to get dinner, told me they loved me, and left. My mom offered to get me dinner from the hospital's cafeteria but I declined, even if hospital food was the best. I really just wanted to nap. But mom told me that my doctor would probably check on me some time tonight and make sure all the drugs (from Sawyer) were out of my lungs. But I still just wanted to nap. And so she let me.

When I woke up, I could hear a woman talking, Presumably my doctor, whom I never got to meet. Hopefully she was a nice woman. I'd hate to go home on a negative note.

My eyes flickered open to see a slim, blonde woman sitting in a plastic chair next to my mom; using hand motions animatedly while she spoke. My mom kept nodding every few seconds, trying to follow her motions. It was funny. "Talking about me?" I asked, my voice sounding slightly raspy. When was the last time I'd had something to drink? I wasn't dehydrating because of my IVs but boy was I thirsty. "Oh, Shane! Hello!" The lady said, turning in her chair to face me. God, she was young! Was this legal? "I'm Doctor Katrina Workman, I've been caring for you the past few days. And may I say, You've made a remarkable recovery!" She sang, her voice clear and beautiful. I bet she can sing well. "Does that mean I can go home?" I asked, my eyebrow lifting. Her and my mom shared a secretive glance before Doctor Workman's eyes found mine. "Of course you can!"

* * *

After what felt like a million pieces of paperwork and an insurance card later, we were in the car and on our way home. My eyes were closed and my head was leaning against the headrest. Every time I breathed, I took a deep breath to let the scent of the familiarity of my mom's car wash over me. I know it sounds weird, but her Maxima has a certain scent- It smells like home. I feel safe in this car. I feel grounded, Even though my world is crumbling to pieces. I wish I could feel this at peace forever.

"Honey, while you were napping the doctor told me something..." my mom started as I felt the car come to a halt. I opened my eyes a slit to see my familiar, two story brick house. It definitely wasn't the Westin Excelsior Rome but it was home and I missed it.

"And what was that?" I asked, unbuckling my seatbelt and hooking my fingers through the door latch, ready to open the door and settle back in my house; a better house because my dad passed. "You're allowed to visit Joey now." My mom said, her face splitting into a grin. My mouth dropped open as I rushed to re-buckle my seat belt. "Then why aren't we visiting him?! Go, Go, Go!" I shouted, thrumming my fingers on the dashboard. "You don't even want dinner first? I know you're hungry..." She said, pointing at the clock on the dash: 6:17 p.m. My stomach growled as if on cue but it would have to wait. If I was allowed to see my Joey, I was going to see my Joey! "No! Now drive, woman!" I was teasing with the 'woman' part but if she didn't drive, I was going to explode. She sighed, putting the car in gear before she muttered, "I knew I shouldn't have told you until tomorrow."

* Joey's POV *

If I thought I was unhappy in a jail cell with Sawyer, I was definitely unhappy in one by myself. I'd been in a private cell for a day and I already wanted to commit mass homicide. My only companion was my haunting thoughts.

This sucked out loud, My life sucked out loud. The only thing keeping me here was Shane, my beautiful, amazing Shane. I need to get out of here soon, I need my Shane. I have to have my Shane. I missed him so much it hurt to breathe. I miss his scent and I miss his soft hair. I miss fitting my head into the crook of his neck and I miss kissing him. I miss looking into his eyes and telling him I love him and him telling me back. And it hurt to miss him.

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