Chapter 16 - Joey Graceffa, had cracked.

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Chapter 16 - Joey Graceffa, had cracked.

* Joey's POV *

Since Shane had passed out, he hadn't woken up since. After ignoring Sawyer's threat, I hurried back to our room. And after tucking Shane into bed, I immediately started packing the clothes we had bought yesterday. It didn't feel like we were just out buying clothes yesterday... It felt like it was a week ago. And then it struck me just how fast things change. Shane had only been with us for a week... Just a week ago Sawyer and I were still on the run in America, by ourselves. And I was still getting molested every night by that monster. It was a crazy thing. 

I'd finished packing nearly ten minutes ago and as I sunk down onto the edge of the bed, my emotions started slamming into me. Crash after crash, they just hit me in a tidal wave of feeling. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just started shaking. All my feelings mixed into one, It was a weird kind of numb. It took a lot of numbing crashes and a lot of senseless shaking to finally distinguish each individual emotion. The most powerful one was anger. There was so much hate and so much rage, I couldn't take it. I sucked in a ragged breath; feeling sharp pains in my chest. Then I felt sadness. A depression so profound that it hurt. It hurt to hurt and I didn't grasp how it was possible, if it even was, or if I was just crazy. I didn't know anymore. It hurt to think about it all. 

I felt something tickling my chin and as my fingers swiped at that expanse of skin was only when I realized how hard I'd been crying. I hadn't made a sound except the occasional wheeze or whimper; but I was shaking like crazy. You'd think I was having a seizure. I was trying not to wake Shane, I really was, since he was weak and needed his sleep after his run-in with Sawyer, but I couldn't control my relentless shaking; my shoulders racking even harder when I thought about Shane and how I walked in seconds before his throat was slit. I almost lost Shane... Because of Sawyer! I felt the hate and rage all over again, letting it wash over me. The feeling was foreign... I'd never felt so much hate or anger all angled towards the same person. I couldn't believe I kissed that asshole! 

And then I started thinking about the kiss and how I led Shane to attempt suicide. I shook my head. Then I shook it again. And then the shaking of my head blended in with the shaking of my body. And all I could see was Shane throwing himself out of a six-floor window. Because of me. And I started muttering to myself. Random things. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to. It was an accident. I promise. I don't know. I'm a bad person. Mistake. I'm a mistake. I'm a problem. Mistake. Problem. Mistake. Problem. Mistakeproblemmistakeproblemmistakeproblem I'm sorry." I repeated the same chant over and over again. For how long? I've no idea. How many times? I don't think I want to know. I only knew one thing; one constant thought circling around my mind and controlling my thoughts. It's the only thing I could grasp and understand. It was the only thing I was for sure about.

Joseph Michael Graceffa would never be the same. 

* Shane's POV *

My thoughts were racing. I was trying to wake up yet I didn't want to ditch my slumber. But something told me I needed to open my eyes. But they were open and I just couldn't see. But then I could see. But everything was blurry. What was wrong with me? Had Sawyer done something else to me that I just couldn't remember? 

But then everything was back to normal. Except for the fact that something was shaking the bed. Was Joey humping the edge of the bed? Or humping me? That thought terrified me but I knew it couldn't have been me. 

I sat up, my vision swimming. When my eyes focused, I was hit with a wave of fury so deep it surprised me. Joey wasn't okay and I couldn't be here to help him because of Sawyer! I quickly pushed the duvet off of me and climbed to the end of the bed. I wrapped my arms around Joey's shoulders. He let out a tormented moan and leaned into me. "Are you okay?" I asked, kissing the top of his head. He shook his head, a string of mumbling leaving his lips. "Problem, Mistake.. Didn't mean it... Sorry.. Accident." 

I gently gripped his shoulders and spun him around to face me. Delicately wiping the tears from underneath his eyes, I planted soft kisses all over his face. "Joey, I love you. We'll be fine." He nodded again, not saying anything this time. I sighed. He blinked, his eyes lighting up. "Shane.." He uttered; that one syllable simply heart shattering, the way he said it with such love.. Such meaning. It made my heart ache. It was like He was aware of his surroundings for the first time in a while; the way he kept glancing around the room. The mumbling I heard before.. It was like he had been in some kind of stupor. "Joey." I replied. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around him; Getting used to the warmth of his embrace. "I love you, too." He whispered; kissing my ear. I nodded because I knew. 

As we remained in our embrace, I couldn't help but notice how our suitcases were all zipped up by the coffee table. I didn't need to ask to know why they were there. We were leaving. And though it seemed Joey was slowly returning back to normal; I couldn't avoid the inevitable fact that had been proven just minutes ago. 

Joey Graceffa, had cracked. But no matter what, I was here to make sure Shane Yaw would be the one to glue him back together. 


So... That chapter was sort of dramatic, I guess. But yes, they leave in the next chapter so... Be prepared for more drama, I guess? ^~^ xD 

Mhhhmkay, so as you guys can see this chapter is dedicated to IamTheAdorkable1 <.< Go check out her wattpad profile, Just go search her! And Check out her fanfictions, they are absolutely amazing; Even better than mine. I've also had the priceless privilege to see some of the drafts that she's working on, which are just earth-shaking, sun-collapsing, mind-blowing amazing! You're going to want to follow her to see when those get posted. The point is, She's my best friend and she's helped me write many, many things and she's given me some amazing ideas plus she's a writer herself, an amazing one at that. So, It'd mean a lot to me if you'd go check her out. ;)

And yes, I know Author's Notes are incredibly annoying and not even half the people out there read them but... Thank you ^.^

Thank You for 2k Reads, by le way. :D I was super excited to see that number... :')

Thanks for Reading & Voting, May the odds be ever in your favor; gooodbye! cx


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