Chapter 14 - All good things must come to an End.

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Chapter 14 - All good things must come to an End.

* Shane's POV *

"No.. No, don't get up." I whined as I felt Joey shift underneath me. About an hour ago, I had woken up to see myself wrapped in Joey's arms and I instantly plunged myself back into the land of unconsciousness just to remain in his embrace. He chuckled softly, then nuzzled into my neck. "I had no idea you were awake.." He whispered, his words gliding across my skin, tickling me, and making me shiver. "Me either." I said, making him emit another low laugh. "God, your morning voice is so sexy." I muttered then instantly felt my face flush and I was glad he couldn't see me. I had absolutely no intentions to say that when I thought it... But now it was out there... 

I felt his lips press to the back of my neck, "Thank you. I'll have you know, Your morning hair is just as sexy as my voice." I could hear the smirk in his voice though I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "Oh, shut up." I growled, snuggling into Joey's shoulder. I wanted to lay in bed forever. I couldn't believe I almost lost Joey to have him almost lose me in the time span of twelve hours... And now, five hours later, here we were. It seemed like a distant dream and I was glad; For my reality was currently the best thing and I wanted this particular moment to last. I hoped Joey would oblige.

His arms tightened around me and I could feel his hard muscles flex against my stomach. Why did he have to be so utterly edible? "I'm not even kidding with you. It's cute." He mumbled, sleepiness muffling his words. I knew he was going to pass out again, but it honestly didn't matter to me as long as I got to remain the way I was. I felt like, at any given moment, something would come along and ruin this for me. I sighed, barely audible, and drifted back to sleep. 

- An hour or so later ;-; - 

Muffled words. I groaned and clenched my eyes shut tighter. I didn't want to wake up! I knew someone would ruin this! "Shane, baby?" That would be Joey. His voice wasn't muffled by exhaustion so I knew he was wide awake. "Hmm?" I muttered, opening my eyes. The room was still dark, though I knew it was late in the day. Mainly because I was starving. I rolled over to face him and felt a kiss land on my nose. I could see the outline of his body; his arm muscles taut in the dim light. I've got to stop checking him out... It's doing things to my brain. He leaned over and a second later, The lamp that previously hurt my eyes came on and now brought light I could use to see Joey better with... I meant, See better with... Light I could use to see better with.

"I'm going to order some brunch from room service, okay?" He said in a whispery voice. He must've thought I was still waking up... But after looking at him for a minute, I was wide awake. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. "Sure." I murmured with a yawn. He picked up the standard hotel phone off of the nightstand and I heard the click clack noises of the buttons being pressed. I pushed myself off of the bed as he began to order, and made my way to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and examined my "sexy morning hair". It actually didn't look much different than it had last night, given a little wind swept. I picked up a comb, It was probably Joey's, and quickly raked it through my hair. Better. As I heard the phone click back into the receiver, I pulled my boxers down slightly; Enough for me to take a piss. 

I was unfazed as I heard the door swing open; craning my head to see red-faced Joey. "S-Sorry, I didn't know you were doing that." He said it like he was embarassed to walk in on me springing a leak. All he did was see a little bit of my white ass. He quickly shut the bathroom door and I couldn't help the laugh that pushed past my lips. "Joey?" I called as I flushed the toilet; pulling my boxers back up. He opened the door again and I was relieved to see it had returned to his normal color. "Hey, It's okay. I'm not embarassed, why are you?" I asked as I stepped closer and grabbed him around the waist. He shrugged, looking down with a bashful expression. I pouted, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. Finally, he looked up and his eyes met mine. I shook my head and muttered, "Look, If you're that embarassed... I can make it even." His expression changed to something I couldn't read as he arched a brow. "What do you mean?" Before he had a chance to realize what I had meant, I gripped his hips and roughly turned him so he was facing away from me. I quickly pulled his boxers down a little and pinched his plump butt. I knew he was blushing even before I pulled his boxers back up and he turned around. His face was as red as a tomato. 

"Shane!" He squeaked, crossing his arms. "What?" I smirked and, leaning forward, pressed my lips to his. As soon as he melted into the kiss, I pulled back; my smirk widening instinctively. It was his turn to pout as I pushed past him to make it out of the bathroom. I took a running head start before I leaped into the bed, emitting a soft laugh. I expected Joey to follow me but he didn't. After about a minute of debating if I should go see if he was seriously upset, He met me by jumping into the bed next to me. It was an actual relief to know he wasn't angry. A grin found its way onto my lips as he pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips to mine. I knew it was coming, but I fell for it anyway, so as I moved to wrap my arms around his neck he instantly pulled away. "Now you know how it feels." He sneered at me playfully as we heard a knock at the door. Room service is fast! "Come in!" Joey called as the door opened and a woman wheeling a cart came in. I didn't know what I was smelling... But I was pretty positive it was heaven.... If heaven has a smell anyway... And if it doesn't, I found it one.

"Yay! Goody goody gumdrops!" Joey said, clapping his hands as I sent him a sideways glance. "What?" He asked, sticking his tongue out at me. Oh-kay. I guess I've learned a new phrase... 

The woman smiled and rolled the cart into the room until it was right in front of the bed. "I'll put it on your charge, I assume?" She asked and Joey and I nodded in unison. "Alrighty, Enjoy your breakfast." She sent us a tiny wave as she left the room. I glanced at Joey before leaning closer to the cart to inspect its contents. And holy crap, I'd never seen so much food on one little platter. Eggs, bacon, smoked sausage, cold cuts, cornbread waffles, mini blueberry and banana muffins, cheese cubes, crackers, pigs-in-a-blanket, and this weird cheese-wrap looking thing. Does Joey want me to die from trying to shove too much food down this chute they call a throat at once?! "What the hell am I supposed to eat first?" I complained as Joey turned the TV on. "Anything." He said, laughing. I rolled my eyes as he leaned forward and plucked a muffin from the platter. "Down the hatch." I muttered as I reached for a piece of bacon; taking no more than five seconds to get it to my mouth and less than three to have swallowed it. Joey laughed and stretched out on his stomach so he could easier reach the cart full of food. "Down the hatch.." He muttered in between his laughing. 

I hovered my hand over the tray, deciding what to prey on next, when something I heard from the TV stopped me and made me withdraw my hand; my blood running cold. "Yes, Jan, Tragically there's been a robbery. On Fourth Eighth Street, The Lower Arts District." Something seemed too familiar about it all... 

Joey must've noticed, too, because he turned up the TV. "There's not been any video footage recovered yet, but we do know for a fact that two paintings were stolen. The place was also ransacked; A lot of damage was done. It happened in early morning and the story has just now been released to us. We'll try and keep you up to date; as soon as we get more information, We will share it with you." Joey muted the TV. "Sawyer..." He muttered, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I didn't want this to happen again..." He said. I looked down at him to see a huge frown spread across his face, his eyebrows creasing. "Hey, Joey, you know... Maybe he'll leave us out of it? And do this thing on his own?" I said, but we both knew the truth. I already knew that Sawyer wasn't that kind of person. We already knew he'd drag us along with him; There was no one-man show with him. And we knew that he was willing to get his ownself in trouble, if only to make sure we took the entire blame for all the other robberies that have taken place. Welcome back to Hell, I thought bitterly as Joey's arm tightened around my waist. He sighed and rested his head in my lap before murmuring, "All good things must come to an end." 


I'm so sorry for not updating this fic in three days ;-; I'm super busy writing my sequel for The Shoey Diaries, though ._. But I'm going to try and get another chapter of this story updated today. But I hoped you guys liked this chapter. :3 

Thank You for Reading (1.5k Reads! Gaaaah, Thank you! ;D) & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, Gooodbye! cx 


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