New home

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Some things you need to know
Y/N=Your name
H/C= Hair color
F/C= Favorite color
F/F= favorite food
Y/M/N= Your middle name
And Y/L/N= your last name
H/L= hair Length
F/C= Favorite song
E/C= eye color
"Mom why did we have to move I liked our old house!" "Y/N your dad left me so I wanted a new start in a new town plus it will give you a chance to socialize with other kids your age!" My mother told me " Wow my room is big, I look out the window and see a boy with black hair and greenish blue eyes staring at me from his window across the street, once he sees that I saw him he turned away"
-------Time skip to the next day----
"Y/N get up and get ready for your first day at your new school!" My mother yelled at me literally dragging me out of my bed
" Ok ok I'm up ( I get up and brush my H/C H/L) "Wow honey you look so cute in that uniform!" My mom said while making eggs
( The doorbell rings) "Mom I'll get it! I open the door and it's the boy with the black hair and greenish blue eyes!
"Hi my name is Gene I noticed that you moved here and I see that your going to my school so I want to walk you to school! "Gene said "Mom can he walk me to school?" " Sure honey I'll see you tonight!" My mother told me
"So since you already know my name what's your name?" Gene asked me
" My name is Y/N Y/L/N!" I told him
" wow that's a beautiful name Y/N!" He told me and I blushed a bit after he said that. Before we left I pulled out my phone and took a selfie with him then we started the walk to school
Wow Y/N is so beautiful gah what am I doing I just met the girl I don't know her that well yet I don't know anything about her but I still feel a connection to her some how.
Y/N? "Yeah Gene? W-What's your favorite color? "Well my favorite color is F/C!" She said excitedly
Wow I love that color! "You do?!" Y/N said excitedly
Y-Yeah so what's your favorite song? "Well my favorite song is F/S!" Y/N told me
U-Um Y/N c-can I have your phone number? "Sure!" Y/N gave me her number

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