Cupcake Fight

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I don't know why he had to literally THROW ME into the water like that.I mean I really loved that swimsuit and HE GOT IT WET!!!!!!!! Well seeing him in a bikini was wow just wow I never noticed how his six pack was so  HOT!!!!!! I'm pulled out of thought by Gene Pushing me on the floor I landed on my desk with a big CRASH. "She "GENE YOU ARE  SO DEAD!" I shouted " ONLY IF YOU CAN CATCH ME Y/N!!" Gene yelled as he ran down the stairs but he slipped and fell down the stairs. I ran down the stairs to find Gene falling down the stairs. I laughed so hard that I fell down the stairs and landed on him.  " Y/N GET OFF!" Gene Yelled childishly  "Fine fatty Ill get off." I said coldly as I got off "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FATTY?!" Gene yelled while chasing after me. "I'M CALLING YOU THE FATTY!" I screamed and started running. I ran into the kitchen but ran into Gene and fell. He looked down at me and smirked. I looked up at him and said " Why are you smirking Mr.?" He didn't say anything and he just picked me up the way a groom would carry his bride. I blushed as red as a tomato and reached behind me and grabbed a cupcake and smashed it in his face. " You shouldn't have done that." Gene said with a smirk "WHY ARE YOU SMIRKING GENE?!!!" I yelled
He didn't say anything and he just grabbed a cupcake and smashed it in my face. I then threw a huge cupcake at his face. " THAT'S IT!!" Gene yelled while tackling me. I laughed saying " GENE LET ME GO!"   He didn't let me go so I just kicked him in the stomach. "Y/N WHY DID YOU KICK ME?! Gene yelled in pain. "Idk why I kicked you and I don't really care at the moment Mr. I Steal My Girlfriend's swimsuit while she's sleeping." I said bluntly "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Gene yelled "NOPE!" I yelled as I smashed another cupcake in his face.  Then he picked me up and we both cuddled on the couch.
Heyo I'm back and I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that good but thank you all for reading this and I'm happy that I'm back well I have nothing else to say so stay beautiful and stay positive

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