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I was in the alley way taking the trash out for Gene because he hasn't gotten out of bed since Dante died. I heard someone or something run past me. Meh probably just a cat. I go Inside to See Zenix EATING ALL OF MY PIZZA!
"Oh Y/N you remember Zenix from high school right?" Gene asked "Yeah I do." I said bluntly "YO Y/N!" M said eagerly " Hello Zenix." I say bluntly
Gene went back to his room to get his laptop. When Gene left Zenix kept staring at me and licking his lips for some reason. "Zenix what are you doing?" I said. "I love you Y/N." Zenix said while moving in For a kiss and I backed up against the wall. Our faces are only centimeters apart he moves in for a kiss, Just then in a blind rage Gene pulled Zenix away from me and started beating him up. "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KISS MY GIRLFRIEND CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S MINEb?!" Gene yelled out of anger. Tears were in Zenix's eyes "I-I'm sorry I couldn't help it Y/N is just so beautiful." Zenix said while trying to block Gene's punches.
"WELL SHE'S MINE!" Gene yelled while punching him more.

How can I be loving you? (GeneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now