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Y/N= Your name
F/F= Favorite food
F/C= Favorite color
F/D= Favorite drink
H/L= hair length
H/C= hair color
E/C= Eye color
F/M= Favorite movie
Wow Y/N's mother seems protective of Y/N but who would blame her Y/N is hot I-I mean Y/N is very pretty! Ok so we went up to Y/N's room and we made out for a little bit while waiting for Scarlett to get home we were making out for about 40 minutes then we heard a knock on her door we quickly stopped kissing and looked at the door it was Scarlett letting us know that dinner was ready. " Y/N I'm SOOO Hungry!!" I said in an annoying tone "Ok I'll race you to the kitchen!" Y/N said while running out of the room "HEY NO FAIR!"I said as running down the stairs after her. As I was going down the stairs she fell down the rest of the stairs. "Y/N are you ok?" I asked while laughing. "Yeah I'm okay thanks for asking" Y/N said while laughing. "Y/N Gene dinner!" Y/N's mother yelled. Y/N got up and we ran into the kitchen. "Wow you two are acting like a couple now." Scarlett said
"Because we are a couple Scarlett!" I said. "Wow you two really know how to clear your plates and I gave both of you extra" Y/N's mother said while laughing. "Mom can we have seconds?" Y/N asked while making puppy dog eyes "Yes you can Y/N since you are minding your manners." Y/N's mother said happily and gives Scarlett an evil look. I laughed at this and I reached for seconds and a hand slapped mine away "GAH!"I yelled
"Let me get it for you!" A laughing Y/N said "No I can get it thank you!" I said happily. Y/N and Scarlett started laughing "Y/N Scarlett mind your manners if Gene wants to get it himself let him get it himself!" Y/N's mother said. I got more food and so did Y/N. After we finished we went up to Y/N's room. She was standing next to her bed and I pushed her on her bed but she pulled me down with her also. " Wow I'm surprised you managed to pull me down Y/N, you aren't very strong." I said teasing her "Well I guess your wrong I can take Down your little buddy Zenix without getting hurt." She said in a sassy tone
" I'll have you know that Zenix isn't very strong it's easy to take him down." I said in a sassy tone. Y/N then tackled me and I started tickling her as a form payback. Well I only tickle her because I love her laugh. She pushed me away because she has had enough of
my Payback. When we looked up we saw Scarlett looking into the room.
"GAH! Scarlett what are you doing?!!" Y/N yelled at Scarlett. " I just came to tell you that mom is leaving so you two are in charge." Scarlett said " YES WE GET THE RUN OF THE HOUSE!!"Y/N
Yelled at the top of her lungs. "YAY WE CAN RAID THE CANDY AND ICE CREAM STASH!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. We both ran down to the kitchen and I grabbed the candy and
Y/N grabbed a lot of ice cream and we ran back up to Y/N's Room and we both ate the candy and the Ice cream with Scarlett. " Gene Gene Gene Gene!!" Y/N said while bouncing up and down  "Oh no!" Scarlett said "What's wrong with Y/N Scarlett?" I asked "Well she might be on a sugar rush, And when she gets on a sugar rush she bounces off the walls and goes completely crazy!" Scarlett said.
Then I looked over and Y/N was gone. I looked out t the window and saw Y/N running down the street like A madwoman. I Started laughing because she was ding dong ditching people and was getting yelled at by our neighbors.
I started laughing so hard that I fell over. Y/N COME BACK HERE!" I yelled as I chased her down the street. I caught her and brought her back inside and I make her sit on the couch and I hold her so she won't escape again. "LET ME GO! I WANT TO RIDE A UNICORN!"Y/N yelled "THERE IS NO UNICORN Y/N!" Scarlett yelled "I have to go Gene my friends and I are going to the mall!" Scarlett said while walking out the door "WAIT DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH THIS WEIRDO!" I yelled at Scarlett "WEIRDO?!" Y/N yelled while slapping me in the face. "Hey I mean a cute weirdo." I said while kissing her. After a while the sugar rush ended and then we started making out. That seemed to calm her down so we just started to watch F/M until her mother got home. She fell asleep in my shoulder and I kissed her on the cheek because she looked adorable when she was asleep.
Hey guys I'm just going to do Gene's POV because it is better in his POV in this chapter but I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update since I've had family in town and I've been spending time with them. Well I have nothing else to say Stay beautiful and stay positive!

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