The plan

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Y/N=Your name
H/C= hair color
H/L= hair length
E/C= eye color
F/F= favorite food
F/C= Favorite color
S/F/C= second favorite color
I can't wait to have Y/N ALL to myself and she will be great for he shadow knights. I laugh evilly at my plan but then I remember how she sang those songs with Laurence I felt jealous and I never feel jealous well I guess it's not hard to get jealous about a girl like her I love her H/L H/C and her beautiful E/C I think Zenix and Sasha will like her because if anyone can turn her into a bad girl it's me! I call Zenix and tell him my evil plan and he likes it then I call Sasha and tell her and she likes it too. I know this will work because she likes me the way I know? Every time I make eye contact with her she blushes and when she blushes she turns as red as a tomato.I will turn her bad in a few days I promise!!!
He liked my concert!! Wow it was so much fun singing  with Laurence it was scary but when I sang A Thousand Years all the nervousness just melted away into space I think I feel myself falling In love with Gene but I'm not sure yet. I change into my F/C top and my S/F/C pants I sigh and lay in bed on my phone then I got a call from an unknown number I answer and then a voice said" Hello beautiful"
Who are you? " Don't you recognize my voice it's Gene" the caller said G-Gene how did you get my number? " don't you remember sweet heart? You gave it to me on your first day at Phoenix Drop High" Gene told me. Oh right I did.
"Sweetie would your mother mind if I came over tomorrow?"Gene asked me
Of course you can come over! I tell him
"Well I'll see you tomorrow beautiful "Gene told me and he hung up.
----------Time skip to Tomorrow----
Time to get Y/N to join the Shadow Knights and be one of the baddest girls in school! I head over to her house and I knock on the door her mother answered the door Hi ma'am I'm here to see Y/N she invited me over " Oh ok sweetie come on in good luck trying to get her off that phone of hers" Y/N's mother said
Ok I think I can get her off that phone
I said as I walked in and went up the stairs to Y/N's room I heard her giggling that cute giggle of hers then I ran in, picked her up and threw her on her bed. She laughed and got up and pushed me onto the bed I laughed because she could barely push me down. Wow Y/N you aren't very strong
"Well excuse me I Don't lift weights Mr. I lift weights all the time." She teased
Well you managed to push me down so yeah
Heh I'm surprised that he actually came over if he threw my phone out the window then I would've been mad that phone is really important to me.
My mother knocked on the door and told us that she was going to work and that we would have to watch my little sister who always tried to get in my business and always embarrasses me.
Soon she ran in and started embarrassing me in front of Gene and I blushed in embarrassment. GET OUT NOW! After I yelled at her she ran to her room and left us alone.
Gene started to move closer to me and I started blushing. " Y/N you look so cute when you blush!" Gene told me
Then he pushed me against a wall and started kissing me. I slowly gave in and he started kissing my neck I kissed his nose and this went on for about 20 minutes. Wow I think I love him!
Wow exciting chapter didn't see the end coming did you well I have nothing to say
Stay beautiful! Bye!

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