The Newest Shadow Knight

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Y/N= Your name
H/L= hair length
H/C= hair color
Y/L/N= your last name
F/F= favorite food
F/C= favorite color
S/F/C= second favorite color
F/D= Favorite drink

Now it is time to put my evil plan to action to get Y/N to become a shadow Knight!! Well It's time to walk her to school as I was walking out the door my mother told me that we had to bring my freshman brother with us UGHH Dante always embarrasses me kinda like how Y/N's little freshman sister Scarlett embarrasses her. I knock at Y/N's door and I can hear her complaining about bringing Scarlett along Dante and I started laughing because it's funny to listen to her complain. Scarlett answered the door and said "Hey Y/N your boyfriend is here!" "SCARLETT HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!"Y/N yelled at her sister
I burst out laughing and so does Dante because we like watching siblings fight.
After you ladies "She can't hear you because her music." Scarlett told me
Oh I'll get her to notice me I smile my evil smile. I pull out her earbud and she yells "SCARLETT LEAVE ME ALONE!"
It's ok beautiful it's just me Gene
"Oh sorry Scarlett does the same thing" she said
It's ok sweet heart Dante does the same thing to me. We walk to school and our siblings ran off to their classes and I pulled Y/N into a corner and I started kissing her she slowly started kissing back and I started kissing her cheek People were staring at us but I didn't care .I think I love her, her beautiful
H/L H/C, E/C! She's also a good kisser!
H-He kissed me!! I was blushing the whole time I think Scarlett saw me but I don't care if she saw me or not it felt romantic I- I think I love you Gene
" I love you too Y/N" Gene said while he started kissing me again. I felt nervous but he made me feel more alive than I've ever felt before
" Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Scarlett yelled at me but I didn't notice because Gene was distracting me by telling me that he loves me.Then two people came up behind us and the boy said " Well well well Gene you got yourself a little girlfriend didn't you?"
The girl said "Wow Gene she doesn't look like a bad Girl to me." " Sasha quit!" Gene hissed at the girl "Y/N this is Sasha and Zenix my friends Zenix and Sasha this is Y/N" Gene said pointing to Zenix and Sasha." So Y/N wanna skip class with us" Gene asked
In a beautiful voice
U-Um sure why not I-It could be fun right?
"Thats my girl!" Gene said approvingly
But we have to be back by Gym because I have that class with my sister and she WILL TELL our mother she loves getting me in trouble
------Time skip to skipping class---
Wow I can't believe I'm actually doing this my mother always finds out mostly because of Scarlett. "Come with me
Y/N its time to go now when no one is watching!"Gene told me Ok Ok I'm coming Mr. I lift weights all the time
He laughed at my statement " Well Ms.
I sing a lot we need to go" He said in a sassy tone that made me laugh. We snuck out through the back door of the cafeteria and then we ran to the park where we met Sasha and Zenix. We couldn't get their attention so Gene Yelled" HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE!" Then Sasha turned around slowly and yelled back "I MUST'VE CALLED A THOUSAND TIMES!" That really made me laugh then I tagged Gene and said " Tag your it!" Then I started running to Sasha and Zenix, but when I thought I was gonna make it Gene tackled me and he was laughing his evil laugh. I tried to get away but I couldn't so I kissed him he seemed to like it so he started to kiss me back and this mini- make-Out  only lasted for about 20 minutes then Zenix came over and kicked Gene softly on the side then we got up and went to the coffee shop.
She k-kissed me and I didn't make her this time! Wow I-I'm speechless mostly because Zenix kicked me in the ribs, but still Y/N kissed me and I got her to skip class too. I can see she is starting to act like a bad Girl she has been wearing darker colors, darker color makeup, and has been acting strange. Well I like it she got a call from her MOM?! She could not answer the call so I took her phone and Texted " I'm in class can't talk."  She seemed to buy it so we went down to Starbucks and ordered our drinks Y/N got F/D and the rest of us got our favorite drinks also. Well we had fun but we had to go back because Gym was Y/N's next class and she had that with her sister so we snuck back into the school and Y/N literally ran to Gym and Sasha, Zenix, and I all went to our classes.
-----Time skip to after school-------
We got lucky Scarlett didn't notice and she doesn't have to walk home with us today because she is going to a friend's house and Dante isn't coming because he is staying after school. Well on the way home I invited Gene over for dinner because my mother told me that I could. As we were walking home he stopped me and then we started kissing eachother he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stayed like that for about 10 minutes. After a while he broke off the kiss and we started walking home again we made it to my house and when we got inside I found a note that said " Y/N I went out to get ingredients for dinner we are having My famous F/F for when Gene eats dinner with us. Love Mom" I looked at Gene and I said" Race you to my room" then I took off running toward my room "Hey no fair!" Gene yelled as he started chasing me. I made it to my room but then he tackled me and started tickling me. I started giggling a lot because I don't like this. Then I started blushing bright-bright red he started to laugh at my blushing. He stopped after a while and then we started making out for Like 30 minutes then I went into the kitchen to get chips and I brought them back up to my room. "Hey Y/N STAHP hogging the chips" Gene told me. "Well I'm hungry!"I told him in a little girl voice
"I'm hungry too so hand over the chips!"Gene Said in a stern voice. I laughed then gave him the chips. I guess we are dating now. He tried to eat all the chips but I slapped him. Then I heard my mother walk in and we ran down the stairs to talk to her.
"Hi I'm Gene Y/N's boyfriend!" Gene said happily "Well hello Gene I'm Y/N's mother so Gene if you ever hurt my little girl I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth!" My mother said getting into momma bear mode
"Mom!" I said in embarrassment
"What honey I just want to keep you safe!" My mother said. Gene started laughing at this then I elbowed him in the side.

Hey guys thanks for reading this um I have nothing else to say so stay beautiful and stay positive!

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