Dantes demise

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Genes pov
After high school
I throw Dante against the wall giving him a bloody nose.Blood lands on the floor in droplets."How could you!"I yell at him.Dante looks up at me.Dirt was splattered all in his blue hair.Multiple bruises covered his face."Im-Im sorry Gene.I just-"
"You just what!Randomly ran into my girlfriend,and made out with her!I thought you were over this!"
"I know it looks bad."
"I thought you were my brother.But I guess not."I rise my fist to punch him again.I feel a gentle push on my arm.I turn around to see Y/N's beautiful face telling me not to hurt him even more than I already have.I turn back to face Dante."I want your stuff out of my house.Good luck finding somewhere to live."
I grabbed Y/N's hand.I walk out of the alley way full of a burning hate for my brother.The walk back to Y/N's and my house was silent.
"I should have never let him stay with us!"I say sitting on the sofa my head in my hands."It's not your fault Gene.We both thought he was over this,obsession."Y/N says softly.She lifts my chin up leavening me staring in to her magnificent E/C colored eyes I could get lost in for hours on end.She placed both of her hands on either side of my face."Just forget about it ok.Your making me worried".I take the opportunity to kiss her softly on the lips.
The next morning
Y/N pov
I wake up to Dante carrying boxes out of  my home.We glance at each other,but I quickly break away from his gaze.Nicole is standing by a red car in front of my house.The recent break up between them was a messy one.It looked like they were arguing.I feel two arms wrap around my waist.I turn around to see Genes face.I look back to the window.Nicole starts walking across the street to the girls house.I look across the street to see a car racing towards her.I run outside and yell "NICOLE".After that it happened so quickly.Dante knocked Nicole out of the way.He faced Nicole and said three other last words"I love you".
The car slammed into Dante's body.
Killing him.
It's me blu!!!
I stole raiders phone.
Don't worry I'll give it back.
Anyway see you later!

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