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My name is Susanna Star, I’m the background guitarist for the band Thirty Seconds To Mars. Those guys are really amazing, I love them till death for giving me this change. At first I was really bad at guitar playing but Jared and Tomo thought me how to own the guitar. At first I was just a keyboard player. (That is a long story, maybe for later.)

Jared heard me in the mall where I was performing for not that many and definitely not impressed crowd. God damn, they are going to fire me! I thought, until my eyes saw a mysterious man looking at me, perhaps at least I could impress one person so I gave my best show (at least I thought at that moment.) After my performance more people looked at me, this went better than I eventually hoped. Suddenly my boss shouted at me: “Susanna Star, you are fired!” I was deeply shocked, I did my best, I got people their attention yet I still got fired, my dad would love to hear this, again I am a failure to the family. A few people yelled “boooo” to my boss but he just walked away so the only thing I could do was grab my stuff together and write new job appliance. Really, my live sucked, like big time!

“Miss Star?” I heard behind my back. I was a little annoyed so I just looked without saying anything, until my brain got the information, then my mouth just dropped. It was Jared Leto, he was talking to me. “Yes.” I replied with a high voice. Oh my god, what is happening to my voice? I thought. He just smiled at me. “I overheard your boss saying he fired you, well I have to say that is his loss. But it might be a good opportunity for you.” He said to me. He took of his sunglasses and I gazed into his beautiful blue eyes before I could reply like anything. “Uhm, what do you mean?” I asked, but it sounded more like a whisper. “Well, you are an amazing pianist, I can, well I mean, we can use you in our band. Well it is something in the background and it is actually a keyboard.” He said while he looked around. “Before we discuss anything further, would you like to drink a cup of tea with me?” He asked. “It is a little bit too crowded for me out here to talk about a job, don’t you think?” He looked me into my eyes. The only reply I could give was a nod. He grabbed my stuff for me and took my hand.

We got into the bar of my formal boss, there was absolutely no one inside, so I guess that is why he fired me, I kept everyone outside the bar. Stupid me. My formal boss heard the bell and saw me. “I fired you, get the hell out of my bar!” He shouted at me and I just winced. Jared noticed it and took off his hood. “Kind sir, we just wanted to have some tea here, and if you want to pay her that would be nice too.” Jared just said. He walked further and took me with him. He sat right in the back so he could see anyone enter and no one could see him, perfect hide out. “So this is a little bit more private, and quiet. Works better for me.” “What I was saying, I will give you a job, to tour all around the world with us as a background pianist and maybe, we will see from there, something more.” Jared said without noticing I just became more pale than I already was. I lost my breath, my everything. This man is offering me a job at Thirty Seconds To Mars, this is the best day of my life! I found my voice again and replied: “Thank you so much for this opportunity, of course I will be your pianist. It sounds perfect.” Then my formal boss came to give us our tea. “I’m sorry it took so long.” He said formal. “It is on the house.” Jared stood up and said: “We don’t mind, we are already finished. Are you coming Susanna?” He said, my name rolling of his tongue, almost like he sang my name. “Yes, yes.” I said while I was grabbing my stuff. “It was nice working for you mister Banchee.” I said sarcastic and I walked away following Jared.

“You are kind of a bitch.” Jared said laughing. “I know right, I always tell myself I’m a bitch, the way I get through life I guess.” I said serious but smiling. “I think you are a perfect fit for our band.” Jared said smiling. “I’m a bitch too.” He said laughing and I started to laugh too. This is going to be awesome! “Here is my phone number.” Jared said. “We can contact each other so I can introduce you to your new family.” He said with a smile. He stepped towards me and gave me a hug. “You are our sister now.” The only thing I did was hugging him back and smile. This is going to be a better family than I have now. “I can’t wait Jared, talk to you very soon.” When I said that I started to laugh and Jared started to laugh too. “I hope not my version of soon, because than I have to wait very long.” “No I will make it Susanna soon.” I replied with a wink. He walked with me to my rusty bike. “I, is this your bike Susanna?” Jared asked. I started to blush, I’m just embarrassed that he had to see my bike. “Yes.” I whispered with a big blush. “Okay, drop the bike, just leave it. I’m going to give you a lift home.” Jared said grabbing my stuff again. I was kind of shocked again that he just wanted to give me a lift. “Uhm okay, thank you.” I said gratefully. His car was close by, it was of course a grey BMW. A beautiful car. He opened the trunk and put in all of my stuff. “What is your address Susanna?” I gave my address and we drove off. “I just forgot to ask, but how old are you actually?” Jared asked me. “Oh, I’m 23.” Jared let out a sigh. I looked at him but he had a face like he was glad. “Why do you ask?” I asked him. “Well if you where underage it would have been very difficult.” He said smiling. Fifteen minutes later we were at my place. “Well, I’ll contact you when we meet up again and then I’ll introduce you too Shannon and Tomo.” Jared said to me. He got out of the car and opened my door like a true gentleman. Then he walked to the trunk to grab my stuff while I was waiting on the sideway. I was so excited to tell my father about my new job. “Thank you Jared.” I mumbled with a blush. “No problem Susanna.” Jared stepped to me and hugged me. Then he walked to the car and drove off. Now I’m going to confront my father. I let out a sigh and walked to the door. Already hearing the television. Hope he isn’t drunk.

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