Growing Feelings.

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“He, how are you feeling now Susanna?” Jared mumbled. “Much better, thank you Jared, for everything.” I mumbled back. But Jared didn’t move, he still hold me against him and it made me feel loved.

*Jared’s POV*

What is that smell? It’s so sweet. I moved to smell her hair. Yes that is her sweet smell, the smell of her shampoo. It smells like coconut. I inhaled her smell and it made me feel serene. I’m starting to like her a lot. I stoked her arms softly moving up and down. Feeling her against me makes me feel loved. Again he sniffed her hair. The intense smell of coconut entered my nose again and I close my eyes and just relax. Not noticing the time, just enjoying her presence. Susanna moved a bit and I opened my eyes. I put my arms around her small body and pulled her even closer. Now she was sitting between my legs, still her head against my chest. “Jared?” She mumbled. “Hmm, what is it Susanna?” I replied sweet. “You are so good for me, I love this moment, to lie against you.” Susanna said blushing. “I love to hold you against me Susanna, I could do it every moment, every day.” I replied. She nestled again and I closed my eyes. I guess we fell asleep for a brief moment because Shannon and Tomo came walking in and saw us cuddling on the ground against the couch. Shannon cleared his throat and we woke up. I looked down and there she was, still lying against me. Her hand against my chest when she pushed herself up. Unfortunately that means that she isn’t lying against me again. Stop thinking Jared. I thought to myself and I helped myself up. “What is it?” I asked. Shannon started to laugh and threw his hands in the air. “I’m not saying anything.” Shannon replied happy. Shannon is in a relationship with Xena Moon, she is our stage manager and Tomo is in a relationship with Vicki Bosanko. I am the only one single, single but in love. Madly in love with Susanna. When I thought about her I looked at her. Her pretty face. Soft skin, pale and those beautiful, shiny, soft locks stroking her face as she moved. She is just perfection. The blush coming up on her face as she noticed that I was looking at her. Suddenly I heard someone snapping their fingers. “Hello, earth to Jared?” I heard Tomo on the background. I came back to reality. “Why are you here?” I asked. “Well, you were away for a long time so we got a bit worried. But now we see everything is okay.” Shannon said. “And I’m almost finished with my famous apple pie.” Tomo quickly followed. “Okay we will come soon.” I said. Making clear this conversation is finished.

*Susanna’s POV*

What is Jared doing? It almost looks like he wants them gone, to be alone, with me. The way he is looking at me, like he did a few minutes ago, it made me blush. I sat down on the couch. Thinking that I need to clean up all my stuff that Jared bought for me. I just listened to Jared, Shannon and Tomo. Oeh, pie. That was the first thing I thought when Tomo told Jared that he made apple pie. That is something I really love, so I can judge his apple pie. I once read in a magazine that Tomo originally was a chef.

Jared sat down next to me and hold my hand. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Or if Shannon and Tomo made you uncomfortable. That is definitely not what I want.” Jared started. I lost grip of Jared his hand and moved closer to him. Sitting right next to him, our legs touching, my head resting on his shoulder. “Jared, it is impossible to be uncomfortable around you.” I replied while Jared locked his fingers into mine. I heard Jared sigh, but it was like a good sigh. “I need to tell you something Susanna.” Jared started nervous. I got my head of his shoulder and looked into his blue eyes. “Yes Jared.” I said with the softest voice and smiled polite. I saw him blush. “Okay, here goes nothing.” I heard him mumble. He sat straight. “Susanna, I know we just know each other for a while but it feels like I know you forever. I like you, I like you a lot.” Jared said blushing while looking at the ground. I moved my hand to his cheek and made him look into my eyes. Our eyes connected and it showed me love. My eyes fixed onto his eyes. “Jared, I like you also, maybe even more that a lot. I even can’t imagine a live without you anymore.” I whispered with a blush. Now it was my time to look away. He laid his hand against my cheek and moved closer. “Susanna, I never felt like this before. You stole my heart when I saw you play the piano at the mall. And now, you own my heart. I-I love you.” Jared whispered and before I could answer he did something truly unexpected. He kissed me, he pushed his soft lips soft against my lips. This kiss went on for a minute or two before he broke the kiss. We stayed silent for a while, sitting against each other looking into each other’s eyes. Jared looked into the living room and looked at the bags. “Okay, Susanna, let’s clean up your stuff first and then, we have to go to Shannon and Tomo, he made his famous apple pie.” Jared said to me. He quickly gave me a small kiss on my lips and stood up. He got my hand and helped me get up. He grabbed a few bags and I got a few bags and we walked into the bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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