New Best Friend (-Maybe more)?

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“Okay, close your eyes.” Jared said. I obeyed and closed my eyes. One minute later I felt Jared sitting next to me. “Open your eyes.” He whispered in my ear, it gave me shivers. I opened my eyes and looked at the most beautiful guitar I’ve ever seen. The guitar I saw in the shop earlier. “Oh Jared it is beautiful.” I started. I laid the guitar on the table and gave Jared a hug. Actually it looked like I jumped him, but it was mend to be a hug. I got up and blushed so heavy that my head looked like a tomato. I quickly looked away and Jared laughed. “I can see you like your present.” He said. I turned around. “Jared I love it. But I can’t play guitar.” I said looking at the guitar. “That’s not a problem. I can, and I will teach you.” Jared stood up and immediately I also stood up, as a reflex. “I’m going to leave you alone now, so you can unpack. I will come back when Tomo is finished cooking.” Jared bent forwards and gave me a kiss on my cheek. Then he turned around and walked out the door. Again I sat down with my hand on my cheek. Did he gave me a kiss on my cheek? It must be, my cheek is burning from desire.

It has been a while since I checked my phone. Twenty-nine missed calls and over fifty messages. Suddenly someone called again. It’s Hailey, what should I do? I picked up the phone “Hi.” I said with a blank voice. “Oh my god, Susanna! Where are you? I’ve trying to call you all evening!” Hailey started. “I’m going to stop you right there Hailey. You’ve been my best friend since forever and now you decided to hand me over to my dad. You betrayed me.” I started to cry again. I was mad and upset. “I don’t want to hear anything from you. You’ve lost me Hailey. I thought you were on my side but I was wrong. Good bye Hailey, take care!” And I hung up. I didn’t noticed that I stood up during the conversation. I dropped my phone and then I dropped on my knees. I don’t know for how long but I stayed there sitting, crying. Somewhere on the background I heard the door. “Susanna.” I heard a shocked voice. One second later he dropped right next to me on the ground. He just hold me, without saying anything. He hold me until I calmed down. When I calmed down I looked into his eyes. They are perfect I thought to myself. He looked at me and asked me if I was okay and what happened. “Hailey called and I just got mad and upset and I told her to never bother me again. That our friendship was over.” One more tear flowed down my cheek and Jared gently stroke it away. “Don’t cry.” Jared whispered extremely sweet. “Okay, I won’t. At least, not anymore.” I whispered back, leaning against his chest were he pulled me against. “How is it Jared, that you are the only one who can calm me down. No one ever could, except for my mom.” I whispered again. I don’t know why we are whispering, but let’s not ruin the moment. “I don’t know, I’m exactly doing what my mother always did to Shannon and me.” Jared replied, closing his eyes as he thought back to that memory as I watched him. His lips curled into a smile and that made me smile. Then his eyes opened and they were focused on me. His hand stroking my cheek. “We know each other for a short time, but it feels like I know you for a life time.” Jared spoke calmly. “I know Jared.” I said back while I put my hand on his hand. The smell of his perfume entered my nose and it made me want him even more. I closed my eyes again, never wanted this moment to end.

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