The happening.

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Ten minutes later Jared pulled in. “Welcome to your new house.” Jared said with a cute smile. God, his smile is really adorable. “I’ll grab your stuff later.” Jared said. He turned off his car and got out, quickly walking around and opening my door again as a true gentleman. If I only knew him as this incredible singer, actor and guitar player I would never guessed that he was such a gentleman. I got out of the car and my nerves were settling in. Every step I took they increased. Jared felt me getting tense and smiled. He stopped me. “Don’t be nervous.” He said. “Just think they are just two man, nothing more, nothing less.” I just looked at him. He grabbed both of my hands and hold them tight. “I will hold your hand if you want to. I don’t know why you act this nervous. You aren’t nervous with me.” He said. And actually he was right. I just felt so comfortable around him, like I knew him for several years. But actually we knew each other for a day. I took a deep breath and we walked further. When we walked up the stairs to the front door I went first, but stuck in my thoughts I forgot one step and I fell backwards. At that moment Jared caught me right on time. “Oh I’m sorry.” I mumbled with my face turning bright red as I looked away. “I don’t mind.” Jared mumbled back. But the point was we stayed in this position for a brief while. I looked up into his eyes. Damn, those eyes are so special blue. Actually there isn’t really a word to describe the color of his eyes. And his eyes they shine like diamonds. Quit it Susanna! I immediately thought. Again a blush on my cheeks when I thought about Jared his eyes.

*Jared’s POV*

I was looking into Susanna her eyes when she looked up. What kind of eye color does she have? I thought to myself. They are blue, but not really blue. They are grey, but also not really grey. And it looked like her eyes had some sort of halo around the irises. If I had to give her eye color a name it would be ice blue with a grey halo. It almost looked that her eyes had like dots of silver in it. Her eyes shined like a topaz gemstone. I know it sounds cocky and cheap. But whatever. I loved the color of her eyes. And then, what is it with her hair. It looked so silky and the color. Is it red or blonde? Unconsciously I moved my hand and secretly touched her hair. It really felt like silk. It looked like, almost gold. Okay, Jared! Wake up now. I felt my cheeks getting red and I helped her up. “Are you okay?” I asked with a whisper. What was going on with my voice. Susanna just nodded. Again I hold her hand because I didn’t wanted her to fall again.

*Susanna’s POV*

Jared was looking into my eyes for a long time and that gave me the moment to check his face. It was perfect, everything. His hair slipped at bit forward and stroked his cheek. I felt his hand move up to my hair when I moved my hand to hold on to the grip. I don’t want to fall and pull him with me. When I did that his hair stroked my hand and I gasped. His hair is so soft. So light to the touch. I saw a slight red blush on Jared his cheeks and that made me blush even more. I really needed to stop blushing so obvious. “Are you okay?” Jared asked me whispering. I nodded and he helped me up. God why am I this clumsy? I asked myself. He hold my hand tight in case I was planning on falling again and we walked further to the door. When we walked in it was very silent. I still had a blush on my cheeks. “Shannon, Tomo. Where are you?” Jared jelled. No answer. “That’s weird. Shannon knew you were coming and he wanted to meet you. But he is a no show.” Jared said a bit disappointed. Suddenly we heard a bit of a stumble at the other side of the house and a groan. Jared pulled me towards the kitchen where the sounds came from. When we walked into the kitchen Jared immediately started to laugh. Shannon and Tomo where lying on the ground. I didn’t knew what to do so I laughed along.

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