Meet and greet.

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“Tomo, get off me.” Shannon growled. I looked at Shannon and Tomo and they were laying on the ground with, I don’t know what it was. Shannon pushed Tomo off him and stood up looking at us. First at Jared and then he looked at me, his eyes fixating on me. Slowly he walked to me, he held out his hand and took my hand in his. “You must be Susanna.” He said charming and then he gave a kiss on the top of my hand. What a charmer, he could be the brother of Jared. I chuckled. “Yes, and I guess you are Shannon.” I joked. Shannon looked at Jared and whispered: “I like her.” Then Tomo got up and walked to me. He also took my hand but just to shake it. “Hi, and I am Tomo.” He said polite. “Hi Tomo, I’m Susanna.” I replied polite. “What the hell where the two of you doing, on top of each other, on the floor?” Jared asked laughing. I started to giggle because of the way he said that. “Don’t ask.” Shannon growled. “A please Shannon. Tell us.” I begged with puppy eyes. Shannon looked at me and sighed. “Okay. Tomo wanted to cook again but he needed some spices and he couldn’t get it because they were standing to high, so he needed a lift. But then we heard you arrive and we got startled. And then we fell.” Shannon explained. Tomo started to laugh and Jared joined him. Shannon and I stared at each other and started to laugh too. “Well, I can tell you. I will never forget the way we met.” I assured Shannon and Tomo.

“Well Tomo, if you continue cooking, I will give Susanna a tour through the house. Shannon will you grab her stuff out the car?” Jared asked sweet. “Okay, because it is for Susanna.” Shannon agreed and walked away. Jared grinned and grabbed my hand. Let’s start with your place. We walked to the backdoor into the garden. The first thing I saw was the pool. They had a massive pool and I immediately wanted to go for a swim. Unfortunately I didn’t had any swimming clothes. Next time. We walked by the pool and at the end of the garden was a small second house. “This is originally our guesthouse.” Jared explained. “But for now, it’s your house.” He opened the door and he gave me the key. It was really a small house. It had an own kitchen and living room, with a piano. I guess Jared comes here sometimes if he wanted some time alone to play piano. “At least I can practice.” I said giggling. “I love that sound.” Jared said before he could think about it, it just slipped his mind. And I started to blush which made Jared blush. Suddenly Shannon barged in with my stuff. “Where do you-.” Shannon started and then he noticed us blushing. “What happened?” Shannon asked. “Actually nothing. I made a compliment, which I didn’t wanted to say out loud because now I feel embarrassed.” Jared said, that made me blush even more and I turned around to check out the house further. Meanwhile Shannon winked at Jared and put his thumbs up. “Okay, where can I put all this stuff. Damn Jared you bought a lot.” Shannon said. “Well you can put it just on the ground, I will help her tidy up her stuff and get her settled.” Jared answered. “I’m sure you will baby brother.” Shannon mumbled a little bit too happy. I walked into the kitchen and acted like I didn’t heard it as Shannon walked away, probably on his way to tell Tomo the details.

Sometimes man can act like gossiping girls. “You like it?” Jared mumbled shy. Why was he shy all the sudden? Because he said something he didn’t want to say. Most of the time I say something I don’t want to say. That is because I don’t think things through. I walked to Jared and this time it was my turn to grab his hands. “Jared I love it.” I said truthfully which made Jared smile from ear to ear. “By the way, I have a present for you.” Jared started. “What, a present for me? You bought my clothes, shoes, make-up and you took me in. Why a present?” I asked curious and a bit shocked. “Because I felt like doing it.” Jared answered. “Please would you sit down?” He asked me next with a smile, thanks to his smile I had to smile too. “Okay, ready for your present?” He asked. “I was born ready. “ I reacted enthusiastic.

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