Bad news?

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I walked into the house to see my father sleeping in his chair with the television on. I decided to let the television on and walk upstairs. Just to postpone our chat. I dropped my stuff on my bed and grabbed a bag. Ready to pack in some stuff when Jared called me. I hoped I could move out then and never come back.

My mother died when I was twelve years old. We were best friend, and when she died suddenly I was very upset. Even more upset that my father stayed the way he was at first. Now I know it was a cover up, to stay strong for me. Our contact was better than ever before. Until he lost his job at the factory. He became an alcoholic. We started to fight more. Once he hit me, that was the end of the relationship with my father and me. I was always locked in my room playing on my piano that I got from my mother when I was eight. Most of the time he jelled that I should quit making that noise, because he had a headache again.

I just laid down on my bed staring at my ceiling and thinking about this afternoon. This is the most amazing day of my life. The only problem is telling it to my dad. Suddenly I heard my father scream at the stairs.“SUSANNA! YOU COME DOWN IMMIDIATELY!” I was really shocked because I was a little bit dreamy. I jumped up and walked out of my room. Still haven’t packed my stuff but what the hell. I have to confront my dad first.

“Yes dad, what is it?” I said natural, looking him straight into his eyes. “How long are you at home? And how did you get home? Where is your fucking bike!?” He already started to jell. This is going to be an amazing chat. “I’ve been at home for like a half hour, someone drove me home because my bike is a fucking wreck and here is the answer. My bike is still at the mall where he is going to rot!” I snapped back to him, looking furious. “You mind your tone young lady!” My father jelled again. “Oh, and since we are talking like this. I lost my job!” I jelled again. I saw my father turn red and his artery started to swell. He rose his hand and hit me, hard. My jaw dropped and I put my hand against my burning cheek. My dad looked at me and then he looked at his hand. “Susanna, honey. I’m sorry. I don’t know why..” He started. “Stop it dad, I wanted to tell you that I have another job now. Not at the mall anymore. A job in the music business. But the only thing you can do is drink, jell and watch television.” “Oh yeah, and by the way. I’m moving out. Tonight!” I jelled and I turned around and ran to my room. Immediately I locked my door because I knew my dad would rush in. “Susanna, you open this door this instant.” He jelled while he was bunching against the door. Tears streaming down my face. “No dad, I’ve had enough. I’m moving out.” The hardest thing for me was leaving my mother her piano behind and the house that I lived in with my parents together when we were happy. I grabbed all my stuff that I needed. My mother her picture and I put on her necklace. I grabbed some clothes, my laptop and my music sheets. “Goodbye dad.” I mumbled at the door. “Suus, please stay. We can talk. I will find a job myself, stop drinking. Please honey don’t leave me here alone.” I heard my father say while his voice started to crack. “No dad, I can’t. It’s too late now.” I grabbed my coat, my phone and my iPod. I’m glad I could leave the house through my window and I could climb down. Once I was down I ran away. Ran as far as I could. He would figure out soon. Once I was far enough I dropped on my knees. What was I doing? Leaving my house. Now I have to live on the street.

I grabbed my phone and ran through my contact list. Who should I call? Maybe Hailey? She has been my best friend since kindergarten. No if I would do that my father would know immediately. Then I saw Jared is phone number. No I couldn’t call him, that would be so stupid. I walked further, put on some music, thinking over what I should do. After a few minutes I figured out who I should call.

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