Shopping time.

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“No I have an idea first.” Jared said laughing when he saw my nervous face. “We go shopping first.” He parked the car at the mall and opened my door again like a true gentleman. “You know? You are truly amazing Jared.” I said without even thinking it over. He started to smile when I started to blush. I never wanted to say that, but whatever since I said that I could tell him that I was in a special group on facebook. I was even an admin. It was a group called Echelon helping Echelon. It was for Echelon with troubles and also when they had nice stories. They could share it with us and we could help them, and the others in the group could help to. We started this group all thanks too Thirty Seconds To Mars, because of their music and where they stand for it saved a lot of lives. Also mine. I should really tell him soon. By the look in Jared eyes he didn’t really know what to say. He heard it a lot that they saved lives with their music, but to hear it from Susanna. That was something else.

We walked further in silence. “What do you need?”Jared asked. “Well I only packed these boots and I only have clothes for like a week.” I replied. Suddenly I realized something. “Fuck! I forgot my make-up!” I said shocked. Jared started to laugh. “You are worried about your make-up?” He said still laughing. I just looked at him with sarcastic eyes. Jared backed off with his hands in the air. “Okay, okay. If make-up is that important to you. Then we will get some make-up for you first.” He said. I grabbed my phone to check my bank balance. Fuck, almost no money anymore. “Wait Jared. Never mind the make-up.” I said quiet with a blush. Jared turned around and looked me into my eyes. I looked back and noticed his extremely beautiful blue eyes. “What is it Susanna?” He asked. I looked down to the ground. “Well, I don’t have any money.” I mumbled ashamed. “Susanna.” He started while he grabbed my hands. “You don’t have to worry about that. I will pay for you.” I looked up immediately. “No Jared, I can’t accept that.” I replied quick. “I’m sorry Susanna, but you have to accept it.” I could say anything back because Jared grabbed my hand and pulled me into the store. There was so much of make-up. I saw Jared checking me out. Just to figure out what sort of make-up I would wear when a employee walked to us. “Can I help you?” She asked us. “Yes, we need make-up for this pretty girl.” Jared said charming. Immediately I started to blush, yes my cheeks turned bright red. When Jared saw my cheeks he gave me a wink. Now the employee looked at me to. She was really pretty. “Okay, I have an idea.” She said. “Please walk with me.” Jared immediately followed and I followed him. She stopped at the eye shadow. “I see you like dark colors like grey and black.” She said while she was analyzing me. I just nodded. She grabbed the eye shadow, a few actually. Light grey, dark grey, black, metallic, and all that sort of stuff. Then she moved on to the eyeliner, mascara and eye pencil. All black, and she grabbed some foundation. She looked at my nails and noticed my screwed nail polish. “And I guess you need nail polish too.” She said smiling. I looked at my partly black nails and smiled. “I guess so.” I replied. She walked to the nail polish and grabbed purple, dark blue, blood red, cherry red, grey, black, metallic and glow in the dark. “I think you are kind of alternative, so I think you would like the glow in the dark nail polish.” She said smiling. She also grabbed nail polish remover and make-up remover. By then she noticed my hair, I haven’t dyed it in a while so there was some outgrowth. “And also some dye for your hair, I think this color will suit you.” She said with a polite smile. I looked at Jared and he nodded. “Okay, I think that is about it. Let’s go to the cash register.” Jared said while he was grabbing his credit card. He paid and got the bag. “Let’s continue.” Jared said and he grabbed my hand again.

This was only one store we visited but by the look of Jared his eyes he liked it. “Do you like shopping or do you like spending money?” I asked laughing. “Well, my dear Susanna. I like both.” He replied while he thought it over and he started to laugh. I just had to laugh when I saw his face. He started to pout when he figured out I was laughing about him. That made me laugh more, and eventually it made him laugh too. He quickly grabbed his phone and send a short message to someone. “Okay, let’s continue. I know a good shoe store.” He said enthusiastic. “I think I’m starting to get to know you. So if you would, I’ll pick out some shoes for you.” He said with sparkling, shiny blue eyes. Like a child got some candy. I laughed and nodded. We walked into the store and Jared ditched me at a bench where the cash register is. “Wait here, I will come back with shoes for you.” I grabbed my phone while he walked away and checked my messages. I had five missing calls from my dad and seventeen messages, all from my dad. All him begging me to come back and forgive him. I just ignored his messages. Instead of putting my phone back I called my best friend Hailey. She immediately picked up the phone. “Susanna, what the hell. Where are you?! You dad called me like a million times. Where are you? Why did you run away?” She immediately started. “Ho, Hailey. Easy. My dad hit me again and this was the last time he ever touched me, so I got mad after I told him I lost my job, but before I could tell him that I got a new job he hit me, like hard. So I grabbed some stuff and walked off.” I started. Hailey stayed quiet at the other side of the line so that I could continue. “I walked around for a while and I really wanted to call you. But dad would know that I would be at your place so I wanted to call you later. So I called a recently new friend and frankly, he is also my new boss.” I heard Hailey get shocked at the other side of the line. “Look, we are at the mall now. You can come if you want and then you will meet my new boss. I think you would like him.” I said. I almost heard Hailey think it over. “Okay I guess.” She said thoughtfully. “Wait, Hailey, don’t tell my dad.” I begged her. “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Where should we meet and what time?” She asked comforting. “Uhm, in like a half hour at Starbucks?” I asked her. “Sounds like a plan, see you then.” Hailey said and we hung up. At that moment Jared walked to me with a whole bunch of shoes. My eyes became big and my mouth dropped. “Jared I thought you said a few shoes, not the whole shop.” I said jokingly. He showed me the shoes. It where Creepers, All Stars, Docter Martens. “Jared, it is so difficult to choose now.” I said when I looked at all the shoes. Jared started to smile. “No, actually it is very easy. We will take them all!” He said happy. Now he got me shocked again. Before I could resist he walked to the cash register and he paid. “Let’s continue.” Jared said as happy as a child. And he walked away. He couldn’t grab my hand because his hands where full with bags. Shoes and make-up. “Uhm, Jared I told my best friend to meet us in (I checked my watch) twenty minutes now at the Starbucks. She is worried sick so I have to comfort her.” I said carefully. Jared looked at me. “That is a great plan Susanna. You meet up first with her. I will bring this back to the car and then I will come and seek for you.” We walked around for a split moment when I noticed this small music store. This was my moment to drag Jared to this store. “Let’s go to this store for a while. I want to see if I could buy a new CD or music sheets.” I said happy. Now it was my turn to be as happy as a child. I practically ran inside the store and looked around. It was beautiful. I saw this beautiful acoustic guitar and I stroked it, it was so beautiful. Cherry red, shiny. I am totally in love. Jared noticed me glaring at the guitar and he immediately got an idea. He walked further and looked around. I found a few CD’s I liked (Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and of course the newest CD of Thirty Seconds To Mars). “Wow, that is a whole bunch of CD’s.”Jared said laughing. “Yeah, sorry. I’m a bit enthusiastic.” I said blushing. I walked too pay and when we were done we went to the Starbucks. “Hey, give me the CD’s, I’ll bring them to the car and then we will see each other here.” He grabbed my bag and gave me a kiss on my cheek and he walked off. I walked into the Starbucks and saw Hailey. But she wasn’t alone. Who was it with her?

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