We only need some clothes.

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Ten minutes later we arrived at the other mall. He helped me out of the car again and he immediately pulled me inside to the shop. “No more distractions, just clothes shopping.” He said happy still thinking back about what happened in the other mall. At least he hopes to surprise her later today with the present he bought for her. Jared dragged me to the clothes store and it was massive. Suddenly I felt him shove my hair to one side and he looked into my shirt. “What are you doing?” I reacted kind of shocked. “I wanted to check what your size was so I could check on some clothes for you.” Jared reacted innocence. “Well smartass, you could have asked.” I said grinning. Jared looked at me with disbelieve. “I guess that was a better plan.” He replied. He looked at me waiting for an answer. “Oh, I wear size S.” Also with jeans. I have a tiny ass.” I said. Jared started to laugh, he gave me a wink and walked away. “I get some clothes for you and you grab some yourself. We will check it later. And by the way. I like your tiny ass.” And with that Jared left me standing, shocked of what he said. Did he really just said that he liked my tiny ass? I looked at the mirror besides me and checked my ass. I just walked further and checked on Jared. His hand were already full with clothes, how is that man doing that? Is he also a personal shopper or something?

I walked to the other side of the store and grabbed some stuff for myself. Black fake leather jeans, oh man I really loved those, so I grabbed a few. I also saw a jeans with glitters on it. It was dark grey but it looked fantastic. By the moment I became more enthusiastic of shopping and I forgot what happened with Hailey and my father. I grabbed a few more black and grey skinny jeans and went on to the shirts and tops. This shop is really amazing, I love it here. They’ve got everything I loved. With about twenty shirts and tops I walked further and my eyes spotted the best thing in the whole store. It was a black fake leather studded jacket. I had to have it! At the same moment that I wanted to grab the jacket Jared already grabbed it. “I guess you really like it? So it is a definite yes.” Jared said laughing. He looked at the clothes I’ve collected. “Looking good Susanna.” He said adding another wink. Let’s go to the dressing rooms. “Do I really have to fit everything?” I begged Jared. “Yes, I want to see everything on you.” He said laughing. I walked into the dressing room and started. After one hour of fitting Jared decided that he was going to buy everything. I was deeply shocked for a second but on the other side, it was Jared I started to learn. “Hi, grab some underwear and socks too. I guess you are going to need those too.” He said. I walked to that section and grabbed a few things I really liked and walked over to the cash register where the cashier was already packing everything. “And we also want to buy this.” Jared added. The women was kind of shocked that a man was buying all those women clothes for me. It almost looked I was some sort of homeless, but actually I was. He paid the nice lady and we walked away. “Okay, but at least let me treat you on some ice cream?” I asked. Jared nodded happy. “I could go for some ice cream.” He said. I bought the ice cream and we sat down on the nearest bench. “What a day.” I mumbled to myself. “You can say that.” Jared replied mumbling. “But eventually it turned out great, I love to shop.” He said. I looked at him. “But you didn’t buy anything for yourself.” He just looked at me and smiled. He wasn’t telling me everything. What sort of secret does he have? I’m going to figure it out in the car. And I started to smile. We enjoyed our ice cream in silence and walked back to the car. I sat down next to Jared and we drove off. ‘Now it is time for you to meet Shannon and Tomo.” Jared said while he drove off to the highway. Fuck, it’s going to happen!

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