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“Susanna, I’m so sorry. I had to call your father. He is devastated, he didn’t mean to do it.” Hailey started. I just shook my head and made a left turn, running away to Jared and the car. He had to take me away from here. I heard my father jelling my name. “SUSANNA, YOU COME RIGHT HERE! DON’T YOU DARE WALK AWAY, AGAIN!” Even Hailey jelled my name. “SUSANNA, PLEASE.” Jelled her begging voice. I never thought she would do this. I trusted her, with my life and she just betrayed me. Tears streaming down my face. Her betrayal hurts more then when my dad hit me this afternoon. I wasn’t looking in front of me and suddenly I bounced against someone. I fell but immediately stood up again. Mumbling that I was sorry and I wanted to walk away again but someone stopped me. “Susanna, what is it?” I heard. I looked up and it was Jared already. I rested my head against his chest and started to sob. “T-Take me away from h-here.” I whispered. Jared held me tight against him and he walked us to his car. He even helped me getting in the car. He opened the trunk and grabbed a bottle of water for me. “Here, careful. Take a sip.” He ordered me with care. Carefully I drank some water and I calmed down. “Please would you drive away from here?” I asked Jared while I put on my seatbelt. “Will you tell me what happened?” Jared asked carefully. I looked at him while he stayed focused on the traffic. I sighed and started to tell Jared what happened. “I feel so betrayed by Hailey. She called my dad and told him we would meet at the mall. And there their where, Hailey and my dad.” Every time I thought it over it made me more angry. “I trusted her, she was my best friend since forever. And now she stabbed me in the back!” I gritted my teeth when I said that. “Easy love, don’t grind your teeth.” Jared said seriously. I looked at him and suddenly started to laugh. Jared glanced sideways so he could see my face. “Why are you laughing all the sudden?” Jared asked. “Your face.” Was the only thing I could say because I started to laugh again. My belly started to hurt and I started to have trouble breathing. Jared noticed it and drove to a parking lot. He rushed out of the car and helped me out. “Susanna, be careful. I need you alive.” Jared said worrying. Tears streaming down my face from the laughing. “I-I’m s-sorry Jared.” Trying to catch my breath. Jared looked at me with concern and suddenly started to smile. “It’s going to be great to work with you Susanna.” He said while he pulled me against him for a hug. I don’t know if I have to tell you this. But wow, he is an amazing hugger. “Shit, we haven’t bought any clothes for you. Well I know this other mall with a great shop.” Jared said. “We are heading over there now.” He said happy. I just looked at him. “Is your life only shopping Jared?” I asked with the biggest smile. “What I already like to spoil you!” He said. We got back into the car and I took another sip from my water. Suddenly Jared grabbed the water and also took a sip. “What, I’m thirsty too.” He said and he drove off.

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