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I walked into the park and sat down on the bench. Dropped my bag next to me still watching to my phone screen. My dad called me multiple times but I just don’t want to answer. At this moment I hate this man. Unconsciously I stroked my cheek, it still hurts. Okay suck it up Susanna, you have to make the call. I dialed the number and the phone rang three times until it got picked up. “Susanna, why are you calling me?” “Well, long story. My dad and I got in a intense fight, he slapped me and I walked away. I grabbed my stuff and I left, I just left.” I said quick. “Wait, what? Where are you now? Where are you staying now?” “Well, at the moment I am at the park. And I don’t know where I will stay. I just needed someone to talk to.” I said. “Well, let’s meet somewhere and then I’ll pick you up. We will figure this out.” “Uhm okay?” I replied. “Let’s say in about fifteen minutes at Starbucks at 63th and Maplestreet?” “Okay, I will meet you there. And thank you.” I said with a slight smile. We got off the phone and I got up. Looking around me and feeling kind of happy that I left my father. Never the feeling of fear anymore. Just my own space. I grabbed my bag and started walking, putting on some music and just smiled.

Ten minutes later I got to the Starbucks where we should met. I looked around and he came running. “Susanna are you all right?” He said when he put his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. “Actually yes Jared, I’m fine. The only thing is my cheek hurts.” Jared pulled back and looked at my cheek while he stroked it carefully. “It’s red.” He said with care. “Hey let’s get in and get a coffee.” I said with a smile. I sat down as Jared ordered a coffee and a tea. He hand me the coffee and I immediately took a sip. “I needed this.” I mumbled. Jared just look up and smiled polite and he also took a sip.

We sat a while in silence, just enjoying our drinks when he looked at me. “Where are you staying now?” Jared asked me. “Well, I wanted to check in some hotel for a few nights. Meanwhile I can check some places for myself to life.” I replied looking to my cup of coffee. Jared looked at his teacup and was mumbling something to himself. Suddenly he grabbed his phone and dialed some number. “Hey Shan, it’s me. Question, is our guesthouse ready?” Jared asked through the phone. I couldn’t hear the reply, but I saw Jared was smiling. “Thank you Shannon, I’ll see you in a bit.” And he hung up. “Looks like you’re not staying at a hotel or something. You are staying at our guesthouse.” My mouth dropped. This wasn’t the anything I would expect. Jared started to laugh when he saw my face. I immediately shut my mouth and started to blush. “Jared, I can’t except that. This is ridiculous!” I replied. “No Susanna, we insist. You are helping us out with the keyboard. So it’s perfect to have you close. We can jell over the pool and you are with us within two minutes to practice.” “It’s perfect.” Obviously Jared is very enthusiastic so I couldn’t say no. “Okay, but it is for a while. Meanwhile I will search for my own place.” I said smiling. “Of course, of course Susanna.” Jared replied laughing. How could anybody ever say no to him. He got up and grabbed my bag. “Is this all your stuff?” He asked curious. I just nodded. “Hmm, than we also need to shop soon.” He laughed again while we walked away to Jared his car. He put on his sunglasses when it was clouded. He didn’t need the glasses. He saw my questioning eyes and said: “I’m wearing this to maintain my anonymously act.” I just nodded and we walked further in silence. We got into the car and drove to his house. Now I felt excited and nervous. I’m going to meet Shannon and perhaps Tomo. Oh god!

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