Chapter 3

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Season 1, Episode 8 [Zunami]

     "Hey hey hey, another quiet Saturday night here at the top of the world. If you can hear my voice let me just say- I'm glad you're still alive. The great zunami of 03 continues to pummel the prairies into dust as it travels from Nebraska into Kansas. This hive-minded crowd of a million plus zombies is crushing everything in its random path. So watch your ass out there. Keep your hands and feet inside the boat and don't feed the animals. This is Citizen Z singing off," then the man's voice cuts off the radio and leaves the truck and group in it in silence, this includes me.

     Warren has been getting better over the past couple days, but she's still grieving- so am I. Uncle Joe was like a second father to me- heck he was my first father and my actual dad was the one in second, but I knew his time would come like everyone else's. I had just hoped it wouldn't be that soon. I sigh and lean back on the window of the truck, 10k is on watch now so I can get some sleep... hopefully.

     "Tired?" He asks me.


     "Get some rest- you look like you need it," he tells me.

     "Gee thanks," I scoff and close my eyes.

     "I didn't mean it like that..." 10k trails off. "Liz-"

     "My name is Cap," I cut him off.

     "Yeah sorry, I just thought-" he starts once more but I cut him off again.

     "No, you didn't think," I snap and I sit bolt upright, eyes wide and angry. "I told you that Liz is gone. She is, alright? Elizabeth died the first day that zombies roamed the earth and Liz died the day I left you and your dad," I say and lie back against the cold truck window, closing my eyes. "I thought you of all people would understand."

     "Sorry," 10k says. "Cap," he adds as an afterthought, though he says the name like it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

     I sigh, I really hope tomorrow will be better.


     Tomorrow isn't much better. The truck breaks down in town so we decide to walk for a bit- but we all get severely dehydrated, so we stop for a break. The sun beats down on us with rays of scorching fury... and did I mention we're all severely dehydrated? We all sit around uncaring, in the sun. I sit on the roof of a car, trying to see anything around- but too tired to stand. 10k lies on the ground not far from me and he wrings a sweaty cloth into his mouth.

     "That's disgusting," I comment, but he doesn't seem to care.

     Cassandra crawls over to an empty, rusted can and brings it to her lips, but nothing comes out. Doc turns around from a corner with an empty bottle.

     "I read once that you could drink your own urine," he says as he takes a seat next to Cassandra. "But all I'm pissing is dust," he says and throws away the bottle.

     "That's even more disgusting," I say.

     Murphy walks around the car where I'm sitting and to the open hood where Warren sits. "Water isn't going to find you just sitting there," he tells her.

     I can't see what she's doing but I can hear her say "why are you so freaking chipper?"

     "I've been wondering that myself," says Murphy, adjusting his coat. "Maybe it's because I conserved my precious bodily fluids."

     Suddenly the sound of endless thunder reaches my ears, I turn towards the sound as do Doc and 10k, but 10k has his eyes closed. "What is that?" He asks. "Is it an earthquake?" He asks, sitting up.

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