Chapter 23

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Season 2, Episode 14 [Day One]

     The last of the cars has broken down in the scorching sun of southern California and now I sit, perched on a large chunk of concrete as Warren gazes out at the road ahead, Doc, 10k, and Addy gaze into the hood of the car, Murphy lounges on a pile of scraps, and Vasquez watches the road behind us. My feet dangle two meters above the ground as I gaze fondly around at the rubble that surrounds us.

     "I think it's dead," 10k groans as more smoke seeps from the hood of the car.

     "Well we couldn't drive through that crap anyway," Doc sighs, looking at the narrow path through junk that blocks the road. "Adios El Camino," Doc slams the hood shut and turns, lifting his old ass onto it.

     "You know- I love that you're a glass-half-full kinda guy," Addy divulges to the older man.

     "Especially when there's no goddamn glass," Murphy snaps and I pick up some of the crumbling cement and chuck it at him. It misses his head and shatters on the scrap metal behind him.

     "What the hell was that?" Murphy asks, looking around, I look innocent and Murphy's eyes narrow on me. He spits on the ground, I stick out my tongue and scrunch my nose before he lies back down.

     "Alright, looks like we're on foot- grab what you can. Let's hit it," Warren orders and we all kick into gear, I grab the backpacking bag that sits next to me and swing it over my back before I jump from the cement block. 

     "Come on princess," Warren snaps and claps twice- I look over to see her addressing Murphy. "Let's go," she orders and Murphy gets up begrudgingly.

     We all start to stroll through the junk in a spaced out cluster. Vasquez and Addy take the front, each a few feet from the other. Warren walks next to 10k and I, but she stands a couple feet away while 10k and I are almost shoulder-to-shoulder- both of us with weapons drawn. He carries his rifle and I spin my knife between my fingers lazily. Doc and Murphy trail along not far behind, the two old fellas no match for the rest of us- though I'm sure Murphy's not that old.

     "How much farther to this supposed rendezvous?" Murphy asks.

     "A day's walk- maybe two," Addy sighs.

     "Everything looks the same," Murphy complains.

     "Yeah, well four years of zombie apocalypse and a nuke will do that," Doc retorts even before I open my mouth.

     "Nothing but rubble and dust," Vasquez observes, "must have been a hell of a fight."

     "Makes you wonder what's left that's worth saving," Murphy grunts.

     "I think most of us know that already," I say blissfully, glancing around at the group- each of them nods their heads, my eyes meet 10k's and his green irises twinkle- he throws me a smile which I return before turning back to the road, a knife speeding around my fingers.

     "How did it come to this?" Warren asks and stops, we all walk by her and let her reminisce. 

     "Hey princess, keep it moving!" Murphy calls to Warren, clapping his hands like she did.

     I turn to see Warren a few meters behind, she catches up quickly, though- just as we reach a pile of concrete bricks the size of a bicycle each. I swing my knife into its holster before jumping onto the first slab. Everyone takes their time hopping from brick to brick to the other side, to not risk injuries.

     "Do you have any idea where we are?" Murphy asks.

     "Somewhere in sunny Southern California," Addy grunts as she climbs the cement mountain.

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