Chapter 22

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Season 2, Episode 13 [Adios Muchachos]

     I watch with bated breath as the needle with the pink substance nears the veins that pump through Vasquez's neck. Someone's hand entwines with mine and squeezes, I squeeze back but I don't dare draw my eyes away from Vasquez. I know who it is after all.

     "One moment, doctor," La Reina calls and everyone's eyes turn to her, Kurian even lowers the syringe. We watch as Warren speaks to La Reina over her shoulder, La Reina smiles wickedly before turning to the doctor. "On second thought- it is such a monumental accomplishment that the honour of the first dose should really go to you," La Reina tells Kurian.

     We all watch as Kurian slowly turns to La Reina, and my hand tenses. "I can't... I..." Kurian stammers, "wouldn't... presume to take-" he stalls, but La Reina cuts him off.

     "Oh, please. I insist."

     Kurian fully turns his body to her and takes a pace forward, "I'm not worthy, my queen. If anyone should have the honour of the first dose, it should be you. Don't you think?" He asks as he looms closer to her.

     "If that's what I thought, doctor, I would have said it," she says with a mask of cheerfulness lacing her words. Kurian's face falls and he turns to Murphy, "well then, doctor?" La Reina pushes. 

     "Do you need some help doctor?" Escorpion asks.

     "No," Kurian says stubbornly and places the needle down on the trolley before rolling up his sleeve. 

     Addy looks back at us and backs up, coming shoulder-to-shoulder with me. We all watch with wide eyes as Kurian picks up the needle, shows it to the room and pierces the skin of his inner forearm with it. We watch as he injects it and gasps and groans- obviously not a fan of needles, then he puts it back down on the tray and turns to La Reina. As soon as he moves, though, he gasps and falls against the trolley which wheels away- no one goes to help him, but instead, we watch as he stands and collapses forward, moaning and groaning like a Z. He tries to get up, lifting his arms in failed attempts of half-energy, then his body goes limp and his arms give one last spasm of life. 

     "Kill him," La Reina sighs as she looks away, Warren draws her gun on him, as does Escorpion- but one of his arms flies up.

     "Wait!" He protests. "Wait, wait," he says, gasping for air, arm raised, "wait- I'm good," he announces.

     I look up at who holds my hand in shock- not at the fact that the ebony haired boy's fingers are entwined with mine, but at the fact that the gruesomely scarred man on the floor's heart is still beating. Doc and 10k both look at me and Addy with wide, shocked eyes before we all turn back to the man on the floor who lifts himself up. 

     "I'm good," he repeats. "I mean- I'm fine," he says and pushes himself to his feet, turning to La Reina, "I'm okay."

     "Test him," La Reina orders emotionlessly.

     "What?" Kurian asks as a Zero with a growling, green, wooden box marches forward. "What's in that box?" Kurian asks, no one responds but the answer is clear. Escorpion grabs his wrist roughly and Kurian begins to protest; "No, no- I have my own test! I have-" he insists as Escorpion shoves his hand in the box, "please! I have my own test!" He cries just before letting out a wail of pain.

     My hand tightens in 10k's and he brings his arm around me, bringing my head into his chest so that I can't watch the man squirming in pain before me. It's sweet- but he has no idea that I've done so much worse with my very own, bare hands. 

     "Okay that's enough," La Reina says in a drawl and a second later the screaming stops, 10k's arm loosens around my head and I turn to face the scene before me. Kurian holds up a blood-soaked hand, the distinguishable indents of teeth on the skin between his thumb and forefinger. "He should have turned by now," La Reina mutters, loud enough for us to hear- and it's true, but he hasn't.

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