Chapter 7

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Season 1, Episode 12 [Murphy's Law]

     "Do you think we'll ever see them again?" Cassandra croaks.

     "Mack and Addy?" Warren asks, "my heart says yes, but my mind- my mind says no."

     "I was kinda hoping they'd make it with us to the promise land," Doc sighs.

     I open my eyes from where I'm curled up in the back of the car. 10k, Cassandra, and Murphy sit in the back seats while Warren drives and Doc rides shotgun. I sit up and crack my neck, yawning. 

     "Hope for the best- prepare for the worst," I say as I crack both my shoulders, "my dad lived by that rule."

     "Your dad sounds like a smart man," Warren tells me.

     "He wasn't, got himself killed- he had no brains in his huge head," I grunt and everyone goes quiet until Warren notices a road block up ahead, a large white limo has barricaded the road.

     "Now what?" Warren asks as we pull up to it, I stand up through the sunroof and take my rifle off my back, holding it tightly in my hands- just in case.

     "Heads up everybody," Doc warns us.

     "This doesn't look accidental," I whisper to myself, noting the fact that there are no gaps between the cars that span from one side of the fenced road to the other.

     "I hate roadblocks," 10k groans.

     "Can't you just push that thing out of the way?" Murphy asks.

     "No thanks, I'd like to hang onto this truck," Warren tells him before driving the truck through a hole in the white picket fence to our right.

     "Well, this golf course has seen better days," Doc points out as we drive past a Z trapped in the cage of a golf cart. I aim my rifle and take him out, pulling back the bolt and getting another bullet in the chamber just in case.

     "This is so sad, I learned to play in prison- always wondered what it would be like to play with the real country-club types," Murphy says, revealing that there might actually be a person inside the Z-like shell that is his body.

     We drive up to a bridge that looks fairly well built, but I don't think it will hold the truck. "Do you think that bridge will hold this truck?" Doc voices my worries.

     "Better test it first," Warren says as she stops the truck and gets out.

     Everyone follows her and gets out of the truck, slamming the doors. I lean back in the sunroof and look around, there are a few trees that block my view- but from what I can see there aren't any zombies that are really close by. There are a few that roam around the driving range, but they don't even know we're here. The group makes their way over to the bridge, stepping on it, putting as much weight on it as possible, Doc even bounces on it.

     "It's pretty solid," Warren states before advancing onto the bridge, everyone else behind her.

     "Come in Delta X-ray, calling all cars, calling all cars," Warren's walkie hums to life.

     "Delta X-ray, back at you," Warren says as she lifts the walkie to her mouth.

     "Hello! Good to hear from you again, it's been days- and I worry," the walkie says.

     "Thanks, mom. Any news on Mack or Addy?" Warren asks.

     "No uh- nothing yet. Maybe- uh, they're just off the grid and can't make contact," the walkie says hopefully.

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