Chapter 21

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Season 2, Episode 12 [Party With the Zeros]

     Why did we reach the border? Why did we decide this was a good idea? Why am I not panicking? I have no clue, but here we are- at the US and Mexican border, surrounded by Zs. And I am completely chill. We make our way into a small building, but it isn't just small- it's puny. Doc drags Murphy along as Vasquez takes out a bunch of Zs that bang on the other door of the hut. The window on the metal door shatters just as Vasquez kicks it open. On the ground not far away is a man being eaten alive. His screams rip through the air and I visibly shudder. 10k puts a hand on my shoulder and I look at him, his sorrowful green eyes gazing into mine.

     "I'm fine," I tell him before turning away and following the group to wherever we're going this time- it seems to be towards Mexico.

     As we run, hopping over rises in the ground- we mercy any Z nearby. 10k and I take the back of the group and turn around every five-ish seconds to take down any Z that has decided to trail us. I look forward and see Addy helping Doc carry Murphy before turning around again. There are two Zs that have caught on, I take both of them out but my foot rams into something and I go sprawling. My skin rakes against the asphalt and tears. 10k stops and helps me to my feet before we continue running. Blood drips down my hands as we run through the Zs and across the pavement, but I can't care less.

     "Spread out!" Warren orders as we reach another building and a few upturned cars. 

     We all take off to one side or the other and flank Doc and Addy who drag Murphy between them. 10k takes the right, Vasquez the left, Warren the front, and I stick to the back. Warren, Addy, Doc, and Murphy all run into a building while the rest of us cover them. I stand between 10k and Vasquez as we take down Z after Z. 

     "Shit," curses Vasquez and suddenly the gunshots to my left stop, I look over to see the Spanish man fumbling with the clip of his gun. 

     Gunshots echo out of the building and I see Warren taking Zs out from the window. I turn back and suddenly I'm face-to-face with the ugliest Z in the world. Its face is falling off of its skull and its teeth are falling out, it's also missing an eye- all that's left is a deep, bloody hole in its head. It's blown away and I stare at its lifeless body on the ground, a bullet hole in its temple. Then I look over to 10k, I nod in thanks, before raising my gun once more, taking down Z after Z.

     A flash of yellow catches my eye out of my peripheral and I see Warren in her yellow top running by, Addy, Doc, and Murphy right behind her. They take cover in a collapsed brick building as we join them. Once we're by their sides we all take off once again, skirting brick building after brick building- going somewhere unknown to me. We reach a metal panelled building and Warren orders us to hold up, we all obey- stopping in our tracks. I look over my shoulder at the approaching swarm of Zs, there's too many.

     "Come on," Warren orders and we all gallop forward, Vasquez taking the back this time. 

     My blood makes my gun sticky and I'm worried that it might get into the inner workings but I push that thought aside and follow Warren, Addy, Doc, and Murphy, taking out zombies left and right as we run along the sides of buildings. We pass by broken, rusting cars with their windshields smashed in- Z trapped inside, restrained by seatbelts. We all jog into an alleyway before Murphy collapses, coughing. 

     "Is this really the border?" 10k asks, looking up at the tall brick wall next to us.

     "About 2000 miles of it, no way around," Vasquez informs him.

     "Shit. No way over," Addy announces.

     "No way back," 10k and I add in unison as we begin to take down the Zs that advance on us.

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