Chapter 20

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Season 2, Episode 11 [Corporate Retreat]

     They're everywhere- Zs. At least it seems that way when they jump at you from the thick smoke that clings to the trees. The nearby forest fire lights up the fog orange and yellow, it looks like mustard gas- and it might prove to be just as deadly for us. Gunshots ring through the air and I can hear Addy yell 'Warren' as I spin, shooting down the five Zs that surround me. My lungs scream for clean air- the black bandanna that I wear over my mouth and nose doesn't seem to be blocking out much of the smoke.

     One falls, the second, the third, the fourth- and the fifth is taken out by a different shooter, I see 10k run by and I nod to him, jogging behind him. He hops through two trees and lands atop a mound of rocks, crouching and readying his sniper. Ahead, in his sights; Doc is being run at on either side by the fire charred zombies, his back is to a tree. 10k takes one out, I take out a second, bullet casings tinkling to the ground. 

     10k takes one out and the bullet squelches right through the Z's brain, zooming towards Doc where it bounces off the medallion on his chest and ricochets into the head of a Z coming the other way. I take out its friend and look at Doc, he yells 'four!' While holding up four fingers. 

     10k gestures for him to come towards us. "Murphy!" He points out before looking at me, I nod to him and we take off in the direction of the other gunfire.

     We run and join the rest of the group as we all crest one of the many hills of hilly Arizona. Before us is a large building, several ACs hang below each window on the front. It looks like some kind of apartment complex, the entrance area with the round driveway, the sliding glass doors, the many windows, and ACs.

     "Looks like a hotel," Warren notes, but I still have my money on apartment complex.

     "I thought we killed all those Zs last week," Doc groans, referring to both the charred Zs in the forest and those we led over the Grand Canyon- who may, in fact, be from the same large horde we saw.

     "Maybe the Grand Canyon filled up," Addy grunts.

     "Not funny," Murphy growls.

     "I wasn't kidding," Addy informs him as we follow those three towards the building.

     "Heads up, let's check it out," Warren instructs us, pointing to the building.

     We make our way to the front doors through the smoke, coughing all the way. As soon as we reach the glass doors I notice that everything except the doors are boarded up. Warren bangs on the doors, "anybody in there?" She shouts, looking in through the dust-coated windows.

     "Do you think it's deserted?" Asks Doc, twirling his crowbar.

     "Gimme that," Warren tells him and takes the crowbar from his hand, sliding it into the crack of the door.

     "Anytime now Murphy!" Addy shouts and I turn to see many Zs advancing on our group, my stomach twists and my hand grips around my gun tighter.

     "All right! All right, I'll give it a shot," the blue man sighs before turning to the Zs and extending his arms, the Zs turn and walk away- my stomach unfurls and my grip loosens.

     "Why don't we just break the glass?" Asks Doc.

     "No, cuz then the Zs will be able to get in," Warren reasons.

     "There's somebody in there," Doc notices and I see it too, the figure of a man with a bush of dark curly hair on his head.

     "Open up or you'll be sorry!" Warren yells and draws her gun, pointing it at the door.

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