Chapter 5

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Filler Chapter For An Episode Never Filmed

     I bang twice on the side of the truck and Warren pulls over, we did indeed find a truck while we whizzed down the road in a golf cart, so we switched over and after a quick break we took off in the truck. That was yesterday, there has been no action for over 12 hours, just barren road. So when I saw a turn-off I decided to notify Warren. Warren pulls to the side and I jump out of the back, making my way over to the driver's side window.

     "There was a turn off just back there, and a sign that said Hartville 2 miles- I think we should go and fuel up, scavenge a bit maybe. What do you think boss?" I ask her.

     "Great idea Cap," Warren nods at me and I hop into the back, standing with my rifle like 10k usually does. "Alright, everyone! We're making a quick pit stop!" Warren calls to the rest of the group as she puts the truck in gear and makes a u-turn.

     I rest my elbows on the roof of the truck and look at 10k. He sits in the corner of the bed, a blank expression on his face, staring at his boots, hugging his rifle. He hasn't been himself since Homer died, he's more quiet, more reserved. I look at him sadly, who can blame him, though? He may have only known the man for what- 12 hours? But he was exactly like his father, Bill. I can attest to that, and 10k saw both of them die right before his eyes- the death of Homer has to have brought up some buried memories. What's even worse is that he blames himself for not being able to save Homer.

     I look up just in time to see the exit and bang on the roof; Warren makes a sharp turn onto the unkempt, tree-lined road. We drive down it for a bit before the trees open up and a small town comes into view. It's quaint and Warren decides to pull up in the centre of town, right next to the church. Everyone jumps out and I swing my rifle over my back before vaulting out. We all gather in a circle just outside of the church.

     "Alright, we all split up- Cap, you and 10k go check the buildings on the street behind the church. Doc, you and Cassandra check back the way we came and I'll take Murphy down the road. We all meet back here before the sun sets. Okay?" She asks the group, we all nod before going off our own ways. 

     10k and I are silent as we go around the church and get to the second road behind everything. There are several houses and little buildings here.

     "We should start down at that end," I tell 10k gesturing down the road to our left, the way we came from.

     10k nods and we walk down the road to the first house, I walk up to the door, open it and take out my handgun, knocking it on the door frame a couple times. I listen closely for any movement in the house, there is none so I slip in before 10k and head down the hallway, ducking into every room to check for Zs. When I discover that there are none I shove my gun into its holster and head back out to 10k who is shoving canned goods into his bag.

     "The house is clear," I tell him and before I shove a couple water bottles in my bag. "Leave some room in there, we've still got a dozen houses to hit," I tell him before thinking of something, "y'know, I'm going to look through the house for another bag- I'll be right back," I say and head off back the hall.

     I start at the far end of the hall, in the master bedroom. I open every drawer and rummage through the closet, the only thing I find is clothes. Clean clothes. My clothes are so caked in dirt and blood that I can barely move in them so I take a white t-shirt, which is the only one that looks like it will fit my muscled frame, and a pair of cargo pants with elasticized bottoms and waist stuffing the clothes in my bag I tell myself that I'll have the time to change into them later.

     I make my way through all the rooms and find only one kid's backpack. I take it and throw it onto the kitchen island where 10k sits, scooping beans out of a can with a spoon. He hands me a can that has been crudely opened and a spoon, I take it and hop onto the island next to him, scooping the beans out of the can. We sit in pleasant silence, though unsaid words hang in the air like the faint scent of rot.

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