Chapter 15

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Season 2, Episode 6 [Zombie Baby Daddy]

     The Zs swarmed us the moment that blasted child opened its mouth. Now there's a hoard surrounding us and we have no visible escape. 10k and I stand back-to-back on a blue car, he's slingshotting washing machine gears into Z's heads while I take them down two by two with my handgun. As we pivot on the car I can see that Warren and Vasquez are taking on Zs back-to-back as well, Warren shooting them in the faces while Vasquez opts for bashing their heads in with the weird gear stick from the Z Weed place. 

     I take another step to my right and see that Doc is beating on some Zs with a wooden bat by an old yellow school bus. Near there, behind a blue truck, I can partially see Addy taking down Zs left and right with her bat. On the other side of the yellow school bus, I can see Murphy and Cassandra standing in front of a blue van. Murphy holds a bundle in his arms and Cassandra shoves away any Z that dares come near. Murphy sticks out his hand to presumably control the Zs, but nothing happens, the Zs putter on.

     "Doc!" Murphy yells and throws the baby to the older man who throws his bat aside catches it like a rugby ball. The Zs all run towards the older man and the baby who run into the bus.

     I look away from those two and turn back to knocking the eyes out of some zombies and taking them from the face of the earth. But the bus doors that had closed are now rattling and I can hear Doc yelling; "let me out!" I'm going to jump off when I realize that I'm standing atop a car in a sea of Zs. I watch as both Warren and Addy run over and start to pry the doors open while 10k and I take out the last of the Zs that stand at our feet. Just as the last of the Zs are dead Warren and Addy manage to pull the doors apart and Doc comes stumbling out with the baby tucked to his chest. The three back away from the bus doors and I watch as a line of Abraham Lincolns walks out; all of them, undead. 

     "What in gods name?" Warren asks, pointing her gun at them.

     "Oh good, you see them too," Doc sighs before turning behind him, "Addy- hot potato," he says and tosses the bundle to the red-head.

      10k and I share a glance before jumping off the car and onto the pavement over the moat of dead Zs. We run over to where Doc, Addy, and Warren. 

     Addy drops her bat to catch the baby, but as the Abraham Lincoln Zs file out Addy panics; "Warren!" She calls, Warren holsters her gun before opening her hands for the bundle, "Lucy," Addy says as she tosses the baby and Warren catches the flying bundle.

     The Zs all turn to Warren as she runs away. One of the Zs turns to 10k and I as we arrive and I take a shot, it goes straight through the first Z's eye and into the next Z's head. 10k readies his slingshot and takes a shot at one of the Zs, hitting it square in the forehead. Addy bashes skulls in with her bat, Doc stabs Zs in the forehead with his knife, Vasquez smashes faces with his gear stick, 10k propels large gears into Zs heads and I shoot Z after Z. All the while Warren comes around the back of the bus and starts to shoot Zs too.

     Then comes along a Z with its head painted bronze, a large circle on side of its face- like a penny. 10k takes a shot but it bounces off the metal circle so he readies his slingshot again and hits it right in the head this time. There are only a few Zs left and we clear up quickly, once they're all dead Doc bends down and picks up a tophat, placing it on his head.

     "This was so wrong," he comments, shaking his head.

     "Says the man wearing a dead man's hat," I joke.

     "Touche," Doc tips his hat to me.

     I look to Warren, Murphy is running towards her with his arms open; "I'll take her now," he tells Warren before scooping his daughter out of Warren's arms. "Adorable isn't she?" He asks her.

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