Chapter 1

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Season 1, Episode 6 [Resurrection Z]

     A black truck pulls up the road to the front gate and I look through the scope on my rifle at the people in the car. From my vantage point atop the roof of the base, I can see every face in the car, the darker-skinned woman driving it, the man sitting next to her, the old, bearded man behind her, a man who looks like the apocalypse hasn't treated him very well, the fair-skinned girl in the seat next to him, a red-head in the back of the truck with a blonde in aviators and a very familiar face holding a very special gun.

     Though I don't draw the sight away from them, I half listen as one of the guards barks at them, the other half of my attention is off in my mind, with the boy standing in the back of that truck. 

     "Stop right there this is a private compound! Gonna have to ask you to turn around and go back the way you came!" The female guard in a bandanna and aviators barks, pointing her gun at them from behind the barrier.

     Out by the lake, Tom lies flat on his stomach next to Liz, rifle in his arms.

    "Now aim at that buoy," she instructs him. "Take a breath in and on the exhale squeeze the trigger all the way back."

     He takes a long breath in and squeezes the trigger until the bullet pops out, but it falls short of the floating orange ball and Tom's shoulders slump. 

    "Hey," Liz puts a hand on his back, "it's alright, just try again, pull the trigger all the way this time."

    Tom nods and places his eye over the scope again, sighting the buoy. He takes one breath in and on the out he pulls the trigger all the way back. A bullet lodges itself in the hard plastic ball. Tom looks up from the sight with a crooked grin on his face. Liz smiles brightly over at him.

    "I knew you could do it!" She smiles at him.

    "I wouldn't have without you," he says earnestly.

    She bumps her shoulder into his and laughs.

    "Wait there, your crew stays in the truck, we see one weapon we fire!" The guard tells the group, I must have missed something.

     Soon Major Williams is on the scene, he steps out and into the sight of the man who had been in the passenger seat- but who is now standing in the open, guns drawn on him with his hands raised.

     "Well holy shit, it's the ghost of Charlie Garnett," the bald army major remarks. "Never expected to see you again, at least not alive."

     "Hey Joe didn't expect to see you again either, looks like we're both still standing," the man, Charlie Garnett says.

     "Looks like," Major says, giving a short breath before continuing... "Last time I saw you, you were pulling my ass out of a ditch full'a Z's."

     "Just returning the favour. How many Z's we kill that day?" He asks.

     "Not enough."

     "Do you mind?" Garnett moves his still raised hands.

     "Stand down," he orders, but I have a Z in my sights, about 200 yards off. "Cap! Stand down!" He calls up to me as my shot rings out- the Z dropping dead from a bullet through one of his eyes.

     "Yes, Sir!" I call down and roll off the roof to the ground just outside the gates, dragging my rifle with me and landing in a crouch, as I stand up the group looks at me in awe- Major Williams just rolls his eyes, this is quite typical of me.

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