Chapter 14

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Why y'all acting like that with Camila

I don't know Camila care to tell our beloved Y/n what you fucking did ~ Lauren

No thanks ~ Camila

Bitch I'm gonna fucking tell her of you don't ~ Ally

I'm so fucking confused

She cheated ~4/5 of fifth harmony

She what

C-H-E-A-T-E-D cheated fucking cheated ~Ally

Where's Normani

I'm right here baby I'll be there as soon as I can ~ Normani

No you don't have to fly out baby it's okay I'll get over it I guess

We're coming so you can forget about telling us not to ~ Dinah

I guess I'll see you all when you get here

Okay baby we love you be safe ~ Camila

Shut the fuck up thanks

Bye baby we love you ~4/5

I love you too babies

Once they hung up I broke down in tears and started throwing shit. How could she do this to me, I treated her like a fucking queen.

"Sis calm down what's going on" Justin yelled running into my room taking the lamp out my hand before I got a chance to throw it.

"She fucking cheated, I treat her like she's the most precious thing on earth and she fucks me over. I feel so fucking stupid" I yelled punching the wall repeatedly making a huge hole. I punched it one last time and my knuckles began to bleed uncontrollably. I couldn't even feel it, the pain in my hand couldn't compare to the pain I was feeling in my heart. I just put my back against the wall and slid down letting the tears roll down my cheeks.

"What the fuck is happening what's wrong with my baby" my mom said running into the room with Aaliyah.

"One of the girls cheated I don't know which one she's been destroying shit for about 10 minutes Ma." Justin said.

"Dinah loves her too much to do that to her, same for Normani, Ally is too sweet to do that she's quicker break up with her, Lauren knows not to do that to my baby cause I had a long talk with her and she seems to be all about Y/n, so that leave Camila" mom said putting the pieces together. All I could do was nod my head and my mom started going off in her thick ass accent and I ain't even know what the fuck she was saying I know she mad though.

"Mommy don't cry" Aaliyah said sitting in my lap and whipping my tears.

"Mommy can't help it baby" I said trying to calm my breathing.

"She doesn't deserve you mommy, if she can't love and respect you she's not for you" she said kissing my cheek. I know y'all are like bitch what the fuck you sure she a kid, but I teach Aaliyah a lot about life to get her ready for the real world. I want my daughter to grow up and know all about life and not think this shits a game or a fairy tail.

"You're right baby" I said whipping my face and standing up with Aaliyah in my arms.

"We need to fix your hand up" Justin said grabbing the first aid kit from under my bed and walking over to me putting some type of cream on my hand and wrapping it up in gauze. When he was done I placed Aaliyah down and grabbed my jacket and keys.

"Where you going it's raining" My mom yelled.

"Clearing my head" I said waking out the door and hopping in my car. I honestly don't know where I'm going but I'm going. I sped out the drive way and down the street blasting music.


By the time I got home it was midnight and I was thinking everybody was sleep but when I got inside, my aunts and cousins were there with my mom who was crying and so were 4/5 of fifth harmony.

"Who died" i said trying to make a joke but failing miserably. There wasn't an ounce of happiness in my voice and I can tell it wasn't.

"Baby" Normani yelled running over to me pulling me into a passionate kiss but pulling away right away to glare at me.

"What" I asked confused.

"You said you wouldn't drink an drive" she said giving me a disappointed looked.

"Don't even look at me like that right now Normani, I love you to death and I'm sorry for breaking my promise but I'm not in the mood" I said sighing and walking over to my mom kneeling down in front of her and hugging her tight.

"I've never seen you so broken it just breaks my heart" my mom whispered into my chest.

"It's okay Ma I understand, don't cry for me okay. I need you to be strong and watch Aaliyah for me for a couple days" I said giving her a sad smile.

"Why do I need to take her" she asked.

"If Camila comes over here I'm sure she's gonna try to attack her" I said chuckling.

"Alright I got you baby" she said kissing my forehead.

"Thanks ma" i said smiling sheepishly.

"Anything for my baby girl" she said getting up and telling my aunts and cousins to follow her. They did as they were told and Starburst picked up Aaliyah on her way out.

"So where my love at" I said turning to Lauren, Dinah, and Ally making them giggle and tackle me to the ground.

"We missed you" they all yelled.

"Shhhh my nephews asleep" I said shushing them and chuckling.

"Honey I'm home" Camila said walking though the door.

"Crawl back into the whole you came from" I said rolling my eyes and getting off the floor helping the girls up.

"Come on don't be like that, I'm really truly sorry Y/n" Camila said pouting.

"Sucks to suck now get the fuck out you're trespassing in private property, maybe you can stay with whoever dicked you down" I said giving her a fake smile and going up stairs.

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