Chapter 8 | Dixon

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"Aura? Are you okay?" Daryl asked as I tried to stand up but fell in his arms

"Is she okay?" Jenner asked, concerned I had fainted

"She hasn't eaten in days. None of us have"
jacqueline stepped up.

Jenner sat there with an idea forming in his head "follow me" he told us as he led us out the room. Daryl held onto me, trying to help me to walk but I snapped at him

"I can walk myself" I told him as he just looked at me and walked away, leaving me wobbling trying to catch up with the rest of the group.

Jenner lead us into a room with a table laid out with masses of food placed on it. Everyone sat down as I sat next to Glenn, across from Daryl. He smiled as he noticed alcohol also in the table as he grabbed a bottle and started drinking it.

Everyone had their own conversations when I heard Dale say "children have a little bit of wine in Italy... and in france" he passed a glass to Lori

"And when Carl is in Italy and France he can have some them" she said as her hand covered his glass

"Come on" Rick said, earning a joking look from his wife. She looked defeated ad she took her hand away from the glass and everyone laughed

"Here you are young lad" Dale said as he passed a glass gull of wine to Carl as he took it happily and the whole room went silent, waiting for his reaction

He took a small sip before placing the glass down "eweww" he complained as his face scrunched up. The room filled with laughter as Lori poured the wine into her own glass

"That's my boy" she said before taking a sip of her own wine.

"Stay sober there bud" Shane said as Daryl interupped him, standing up from his seat

"Not you gelnn. Keep drinking little man, I wanna see how red your face gets" he said as I laughed at his comment.

Rick stood up from his seat to, hitting his glass with a fork, grabbing everyone's attention "I don't think we've property thanked our host yet"

"He's more than just a host" T-Dog said as everyone held up their glass

"Booya!" Daryl shouted as I copied him along with some other people

"So when you gonna tell us what the hell happened here doc?" Shane asked as the whole room fell silent "the people who are supposed to figure out what happened. Where are they?"

"We're celebrating Shane, no need to do this now" Rick interupped, sitting back down on his seat. I looked around the group and caught eye contact with Daryl, who smiled at me. I smiled back as I listened to the rest of the conversation

"Wait a second, this is why we're here. This was your move" Shane told rick "why?"

"Well, when things started to get bad a lot of people left. Went off to be with their families... and when things got worse, military got over run everyone bolted" Jenner explained. Which wasn't up to Shane's standard as he asked

"Every single one?"

"Many couldn't face walking out the door, they, opted out. There was a rash of suicides... that was a bad time" he continued

"You didn't leave, why?" Andrea asked

"I just kept working. Hoping there was something good" he finished

The room went silent again for a couple of seconds before gelnn told Shane "dude. You're such a buzz kill man" and it went quite again

Jenner stood up and everyone followed after they finished their food. He walked along a narrow corridor filled with bedrooms "most of the facilities are powered down. Including housing so you'll have to make do here" he pointed to the rooms "the couches are comfortable and there are beds" he continued "there's a reck room down the hall you kids might enjoy. Just, don't plug in the video games. Okay?" He asked as Carl and Sophia nodded "it drowns the power. Same goes for you guys. If you use the shower go easy on the hot water" he said as he walled away, leaving us to get into our rooms.

Glenn turned around with a huge smile on his face "hot water" he said as he looked at T-Dog

"That's what the man said" he answered as everyone got into their rooms.

Everyone had went into one but there was no spares. And there was no one in the group that I was comfortable enough to share a room with exept one.

807 words

Criminal Hunter | Daryl Dixon


Hello everyone! This is my second chapter I'm posting tonight as a sorry for forgetting to last week.
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