Chapter IV

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Same Time

I continue on hearing the other prisoners mumble. I sigh and look at the old man. His cage was way more secure- but he is so old I doubt he can do anymore harm. I take a few moments to think, I don't have the keys to get him out. I walk down the hallway and look into the cells, then I spoke up, "Who can help me open cells?" I have no idea why I made cells plural, but I'm guessing they assume this is a jail bust now.

"I can!" the same voice as before, who helped me escape, spoke up. I went over to his cell and crawled through where the food goes. I kept quiet as I pulled his chains until they snapped. These were cheap.

"Now, get yourself out and help me open the other cells." Jail break. It repeated over and over in my head. "Okay?" I didn't want to sound commanding, but I already made the impression.

"Yup," he says standing up and stretching. I only broke the chain, so he will need to get the cuffs off himself. I stand back and watch him move around and reach under his blanket. He grabs something and pulls out a key.

My eyes go a bit wide, how did he get that? Oh well, it's everyone's ticket out.

"Hey umm, my arms aren't small enough to fit through the bars, can you?" he asks me. I nod.

I grab the key and open the cells within a few seconds. "There we go, now I will go help everyone else while you figure out a way out." He looks over at me, frowning slightly, but he nodded slightly.

I go to every cell and open them up, and in a few minutes I was done. I turned towards him and the crowd of prisoners. "Did you figure a way out?" I ask.

He nods his head, "There is door right down this hallway that leads to the outside." he says.

"Okay. Thank you." I make my back straighter as I was going to tell everyone the reality of escaping with weak powers. "So, this is probably the riskiest and dumbest thing we will all do in our lives. Once we leave those doors you all are going solo- if not, well they will target groups first." they all nodded. They were all guys and I kind of have an impression most of them are dumb. "Oh, and most of us probably won't make it out alive. Good luck." I say, making hand motions.

They all look at each other, a bit unsure. "If you don't want to go you do not have to. Now, off we go." I say walking closer and closer to the door. My breathing got heavier and heavier.

I want this- no. I need it.

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