Chapter XXV

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A!N So, chapter 25. Just in case you cannot read roman numerals. Wow, I cant believe it has gotten this far! I actually just uploaded chapter 15. Sadly, I havent gotten any likes or comments yet- but Im still very hopeful!
Like, comment, (follow?), and ENJOY!!

Two Weeks Later

The car ride to the Fang Pack was extremely long. But Cherl insisted we drive. So here I am, in a limo along with Luna Cherl and Alpha Nick.

"So darling, how have those rogues been?" Cherl speaks up, breaking the silence.

I avert my attention to her, "Good, pretty hard, but I am handling it. My friends help a lot."

"That's great. Yeah, it is a great struggle to run a pack. So, why dont you just make you so called pack a real pack," she says.

I never thought of that before, but it was not a good idea. There's rules and so much more. Plus, people join me because we are rogues, not a pack. "Just isn't our thing. People join me because we are all rogues. Runaway or rejected. We all can relate to eachother."

She nods, understanding. "Well, we got two more hours to go. Would you like to watch a movie?" she asks me.

There's a tv in here? Must be nice to be rich. "Sure." For the rest of the ride we watched White Chicks. The movie I would least expect a Luna to pick. Hell, even Nick facepalmed and went back to his phone. Damned things.

A couple hours we arrived at the Fang Pack Territory. "So where are we staying at?" I ask Cherl.

"Their pack house," she says, gathering her stuff.

"Oh- may I stay at a hotel or motel."

"Why dear?" she asks, looking at me with curiousity.

"I wouldn't feel safe. There is going to be people there that don't like me," I say. I havent told her about my past. Only a few people know.

"Okay deary. Honey, tell the driver to stop at a decent hotel," she says. Nick nods and turns around, telling the driver.

Ten minutes later we stop at a decent sized Hotel 6. "Jerry, I said nice!" Cherl growls. She had temper issues when people doesnt do stuff right.

"Actually, it's perfect. Thank you Cherl, Nick, and Jerry," I smile, getting out.

"Airybel, be ready at four pm. That is the time Jerry is going to pick you up. Have a nice evening," Alpha Nick says, waving bye.

I head inside with all my stuff and get a room. Once I got all that done, I fell righr asleep.

Tomorrow is a big day.

I wake up to an annoying ringing noise. I lift my head up slightly off the pillow and squint my eyes to see what it was, the alarm. The freaking alarm I set yesterday. I sigh loudly, pushing it off the nightstand. It fell and went silent. I absolutely hate alarms.

I slowly get up and look at the time. It was noon, so I had some time. The the next few hours I eat lunch, and go swimming.

After all thay I head back to my room to get ready for this meeting. I open my door and head in, I sit on the bed and get my dress out. I still love it.

I take a quick shower and used my favorite body wash, it smelt like roses and it was a dark red colour. Then I put on my dress and do my makeup. I caked my face with it, but I made sure to still look human. I made sure it matched well.

I wand my hair and then brush it out so it turned out a bit poofy, but also wavy. And for my final touch, flowers. I stuck a few of them in my hair while I sung a good song, The Grey (Icon for Hire) "Im just standing on the edge of returning or running away..." I sing outloud.
"How cold have I become?..." This song felt oddly relatable...

I sigh and turn the song off, not wanting to relate to a sad song.

I take a good look in the mirror. We look good, buddy. I smile, I look great.

I take deep breaths and look at the time. Three-fifty-five. Better get going. I leave my room and head down.

This stress feels worse than it was fighting and planning for the SilverClaw Pack. Probably because... the voice fades out and I dont bother trying to figure it out. I just focus on walking in these cursed heels.

I walk outside and the limo arrives on the dot. Great timing Jerry. He hops out of his seat and opens the back door for me. "Awe, no need for the formal stuff, but thank you Jerry." I step in and sit down.

"No, it is a part of my job Rogue Luna," he says, driving off to the pack house most likely.

"At least call me Airybel if we are alone," I say. This is probably going to be the only time though. Oh well, just in case.

"Okay.. Airybel," the cars stops, "We are here, it already seems like everyone else is. I'm sorry we are here last-" I cut him off.

"We are on time, there is no problem being last. Thank you Jerry," I hop out before he can open the door for me. I look up at the pack mansion. This is not a house. "Do you know where I need to go by any chance?" I ask him.

He nods, hopping out, "Follow me." The front door is open with a guard on duty. As we walk up to him, his head snaps towards me and I can hear him growl. "She is here for the Alpha meeting."

The guard laughs, "She is a measly rogue-" Jerry cut him off.

"She is the Rogue Luna. The Alpha and Luna of the SilverClaw insisted she come since she has made such an impact," Jerry says.

I look over at him and smile. "If you do not feel safe with me, a guard may accopany me. I do not mind."

The guard looks a bit taken back, but replies soon after, "Fair enough, but if there is any trouble, you will be thrown in the cells." With that, he let us in and Jerry leads me throughany halls and up a set of stairs.

I hold my breathe as I hear many voices. This reminded me when I first met the BlackThorn Pack. Except I actually needed to impress these people. On a side note, I get to see June!

We head through a couple double doors and everything goes silent. All heads turn to me. Time to face my friends...
but also my enemies.

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