Chapter XVI

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Three Months Later

"Thank you, come again!" I smile as a lovely couple leaves my workplace. The last few months have been better than ever. I work at a bakery/restaurant. I sit and serve people, aka, a waiteress.

"Hey Airybel, come you come talk to me?" my boss asks me. A really nice old lady.

"What do you need boss?" I smile, knowing she doesn't like being called that.

She scowls, "Mean child," I laugh. "Anyways, someone wants their goods delivered and Bob is sick. I heard you recently got your license, do you think you could deliver it?"

"Umm," I take a momemt to think. I barely passed that test with the lowest grade. "Sure..." I say, sounding unsure.

"Okay, thank you doll. Here's the keys to the car and the goods are on the counter. Call me if you habe any problems!" she says as I walk out of her pretty pink office.

I grab the five paper bags on the counter and I take off my apron. I also get the delivery hat on the way out.

I unlock the white car door and hop inside. I inhaled deeply as I turned it on. I haven't driven a car since I took that driving test. "Let's get this over with," I tell myself as I type the address into the GPS.

The drive was pretty long, at least twenty minutes.

I turned on the radio and the song Cheap Thrills was on (Sia ft Sean Paul). I mumbled the song lyrics as I focused on driving really hard. "I don't need no moooney. As long as I keep dancing..."

"God, how far is this damn place," I say as I turn onto a dirt road.

I look around, it feels so familiar until it hit me like a brick. This is the way me and Ashton took to get to this town. Such good memories.

But it feels different. I haven't heard this little voice in my head in forever. I thought I was done being crazy, guess not.

"You have arrived at your destination to the right." the GPS says as I pull up to a large white mansion. A chill goes down my spine as I realize where I am at. A pack house.

I hold my breathe as I get the five bags and walk up to the front door. Im surprised nobody stopped me while I was driving.

I knock and straighten my back. Nobody answered so I knocked a few more times until an older lady opened it, I could feel power radiating off of her. The Luna.

"A rogue, gua-," I cut her off.

"I'm only here to deliver food and leave," I say quickly. I am not going back to any jail cell.

She frowns, looking up and down at me before sighing. "Come in. Sit on the couch," she says, inviting me in. I walk in and people turn their heads to look at me. I avoid looking amyone straight in the eye

I sit down on the leather couch as I stare at the brown bags. I could hear whispers behind me, people talking about how filthy I looked and such. 

"Okay, how much is it?" I look up to see the Luna again.

I get out my notebook and read off it, "34.56."

"That son of mine is getting am asswhooping," she mumbles as she hands me forty bucks. "The change is your tip."

"Thank you," I say getting up.

As I was about to walk out the door, I'm stopped by a older man, the Alpha. I freeze up. "Let's go talk in my office, rogue," he says, dragging me.

"Woah! Let go, I've got to get back to my work," I say, pissed off.

"It will only take a minute," we enter a large room with a desk in the middle. "Sit." He throws me into a chair. "Okay. So, you are from the town where the store is located, correct?" I nod. Where is he going with this? "Well, my pack wants to claim that town as ours. So, all the rogues there either leave or die."

I stand up, "What the fuck, that is my home," I growl at him. He growls back in him Alpha tone, but I refused to obey and sit down. A perk of being rogue is the Alpha tone doesn't work well on us.

"Too bad girly, you can leave now and tell all your friends," he snickers.

I stomp out of the mansion as wolves laughed, saying poor girly has to move.

I let out a frustrated scream as I speed back toy work place. I turn on the radio and open the window. I really don't want to hear myself think.

What am I going to do?

I don't want to leave.

Nor do I want to die.

What if I fight?

No. I'm not strong enough.

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