Chapter IX

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One Month Later

I lay against my plain black and white bedding. My new house is amazing and it is all to myself. Drake ended up paying for it all. We have gotten a lot closer over the past month. I haven't talked to Alpha June in forever. Yes, Alpha June. The ceremony was a couple weeks ago, so now he is the Alpha and Drake is Beta while Amka is the first Third in Command of this pack. Me and him still text a lot, he acts like such a girl sometimes.

I stretch my numb limbs and get off my bed to go get dressed. I opened my drawers and find the perfect outfit that matched my mood, chill and bit tomboyish. Not that long ago, Amka took me shopping and spent so much on me, even though I said no more than fourty bucks, he spent over two hundred. I put on some really ripped jeans that Amka said were fashionable, at first I was like no and now I love them! Then a black crop top with the American Flag on it and combats boots.

Today is the day I find a job. Not that I have been running low on money, but I need to start saving. I got on my computer and Googled 'jobs in the Brooklyn Bay area'. There were a lot of options. Its not there was a city nearby, but three small towns, Brookings, Brooklyn and seal Port. Did I forget to mention this pack isn't that far from the ocean, I haven't gone yet, sadly. Later though.

I smiled as I saw a library needed some people. I dialed the number, "Hello, are you guys still hiring at the library?" I asked, tapping my fingers against my coffee table. "Sorry darling, we aren't." and the line went dead. I sign loudly and go back to looking and calling until one said they'd call me in for an interview. I smiled, you don't even know what the hell the job is. That voice said in my head and I shrugged- it's a job opportunity!

A couple days later I got ready in some simple skinny jeans, a black tank top with a dark fake leather jacket. I put my light hair up in a ponytail for once and some makeup. I grabbed my purse and headed outside, waiting for my taxi man Ted. If I need a ride that is who I go to, but he is a legit taxi guy, so I still pay him.

A honk snapped me out of my train of thought and I looked up to see that yellow taxi car. I open the back door and step in, "Hey Ted, mind taking me to this address? I've got a job interview," I say handing him a piece of a paper with the address.

He looks at it and then looks back at me, "That's where I usually pick people up from, but okay. By the way, do you need a ride back too?"

I tilted my head a bit confused, then I shook my head. "No thanks, I've got other stuff to do in town." In reality I just wanted to run back, I needed the excersice.

"Okay, well, you know where to call if you need a ride," he says.
I nod and thank him and I tilt my head against the window for the fifteen minute drive into town.

It felt like forever, but we finally stopped infront of a blinking sign. I looked up 'Tipsy's Bar & Club'. My jaw drops a little, did I just sign up to be a stripper? "You sure this is right Ted?" I ask, double checking. He nods in response and I sigh, handing him thirty bucks. "Thanks." He tilts his hat in response.

I hold my breath as I push the door and go in, surprising there was no door person to ID people. Wait- I'm only 17... shit. Let's see how well this goes. 

Even with me holding my breathe I could smell, and even TASTE the sweat. I go up the bar and a bartender comes my way. "What'd you like missy?" he asks while cleaning a glass.

"Actually, I'm looking a for a job," I say shyly.

I look back up at him and he smiles, "Great! Let's go to my office." He takes off his red blw tie and hops over the counter. He looks down at me and wispers, "One moment." He hops back onto the counter and wistles loudly, everybody turns to him, "No drinks for the next hour! I have people watching the bar." Then he hops off it and drags me to door that had many cracks. We go in and it didn't look bad at all inside, it was tidy and smelt nice. He motioned me to sit down while he sat at his desk.

"So, let's first get to know the simple things about you," he gets out a piece of paper, pen, and clipboard, "okay, what's your name, age, and past career experience?" he asks me.

My eyes go a bit wide, two of those questions will not go well. I cough and begin speaking, "My name is Airybel, A-I-R-Y-B-E-L. Just in case. I have zero career experience, and I'm seventeen." I say the last part fast.

He raises an eyebrow, "That's an interesting résumé you have, but besides your age- which we can just up it a year, you qualify! Welcome to one man gang."

I smile, "Yay! Oh, what's your name and don't I have any papers to fill out?"

He looks up for a moment then shakes his head, "No papers, and Joshua, just Josh though."

I nod, "Well, when do I start, how much do I get paid and when?" I ask, I know I should have asked the second question earlier, but I got distracted with Josh's no care for my age.

"Two hundred a week, plus tips. Oh, and today! Is that okay with you? It has been very busy and I can't do it myself, espeically tonight."

I was taken back a bit, not that high of pay, and needing to start today. It is a job, get over it dolly. Oh great now I am going crazy. Probably from being mute in that cell most of the time...

"Okay, so what do I do?"

"I'll be helping you for the next week. And you will be serving drinks. You're adorable, so you will get a lot of tips. Let's go serve bums some drinks," he says pointing to the door, marching through.

I let out a soft giggle and followed him. We went behind the counter and he told me I'd get more tips if I took the jacket off. I sighed and did so, guys like more skin showing.

"Okay, so first I have to show you how to serve, then you will slowly learn how to make stuff and all that. It gets easy within a month." I nod, listening. "Step one, once someone comes up to the counter just be like, yo whatchya want?" sounded simple enough. "Okay, here comes a guy, ask that and Ill show you what to do from there."

I nod and once he sits down I ask, "What would you like sir?" He looks up at me with curiousity, he didn't look drunk, matter of fact he looked underage.

"Just a couple peach vodka shots," he says, pulling his phone out.

I nod and turn to Josh amd whisper, "Don't you ID?" I ask him. His face goes a bit red and he shakes his head. I sigh and roll my eyes, idiots. I look back at the kid and I see him glaring at me. I smile.

"Okay, Ill get the shotglasses ready and you get the Vodka, Airy." I frown at the nickname, but decided not to correct my new boss. I look around at the many drink and finally find it, probably two minutes later. "Now, just pour til it is a centimeter below the rim." I do as so then I give it to the boy.

He looks up from hhis phone and downs the shots and then he got his wallet out, "Since I'm guessing it's your first time I'll give you a break, but next time serve faster. Here," he says handing me a five and I thank him.

I smile holding up the money. "Great job Airy, now let's get to the other costumers."

A!N SORRY it is boring, I know soooo don't you guys think it's about time something happened?

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