Chapter XII

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Same Time

"Oh my god. Airybel! Do not let anyone see you, shift back!" Alpha June whisper shouts at me.

"I don't know how to and I don't have any cloths with me," I mindlink back. They all got torn up at the bar. There goes my favorite outfit.

"I'll be back, just stay out of sight," he says, rushing up the stairs while I just sat down infront of the door. It wouldn't be surprising if people started to wake uo due to the scent of human blood, and of more than one person.

I hear footsteps scurry down the stairs and I see June holding some cloths.. it was the stuff I first arrived with. I mentally smiled, knowing I wouldn't need to return the cloths to somebody I don't even know.

"Okay, to shift back, all you have to do is imagine being a human and tell yourself to change back. Just go behind a tree," he says. I nod and head a few feet away. Now to do this.

Human. Human form. C'mon, shift. Shift. Shift. Shift.

I feel my bones crack and I look down to see my white skin. I smile and kiss it, it felt so weird being with fur. I quickly put on the cloths and I walk out, from behind the tree. "Okay, now we have to talk about the blood that was on me," I say, walking into the packhouse.

June is right behinf me as he speaks up, "Let's go to my office. There is something else we need to talk about."

We walk to his office in complete silence, there was nothing good to talk about at the moment. I mean, I actually murdered people. Humans. I just want to break down and cry. I'm a real murderer now, who knew? Oh yah, all those people who wanted me locked up for sapposedly killing Brooklyn. Brooklyn.. oh I miss her so much.

"Airybel," I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Alpha June opens the door for me. I quietly thank him and hesd in, sitting down in a chair. He sits down, across from me. He puts his head in his hands and sighs, "Okay, speak," is all he breaths out.

"So, I was leaving my job and my boss called saying not to come back, but I did anyway. After sneaking in, I sound him, but there was four buff men there, that he owed money to-" I take a deep breathe, "then we hid and they found us. They tried to shoot me, but it only scraped my skin and I dodged it, with my werewolf speed. They tried and tried until they cornered me and that's when I shifted and killed them all." I was about to stop when I remembered one more thing, "After that, something forced me to kill my boss a-and I did!" I say sniffling. This is too much to handle right now.

It was silent for a minute or two until June sighs once more. "Airybel, you did it to save you, but I don't know what to do with you now. You broke number one werewolf law, revealing yourself to humans. I have to kick you out."

I gasp amd shake my head no. "June, please! I want to stay." I beg, holding my hands together. I don't want to become a rogue!

"Airybel.. it isn't just about you killing humans."

"Then what?" I shout, standing and slamming my hands against the desk. Im very emotional right now and I get very sensitive.

He looks up at me with sad and dull eyes, like he didn't want to do this, "You have white fur, Airybel. No such thing has ever existed and do you know what that means?"

I shake my head. I didn't even notice the colour of my fur. Why was it white? Well, I do claim I am an albino. This was unique, but wouldn't a pack want that?

"Well, Alphas, Betas, and Rogues would want to claim you. Mate or not. The more unique thing that a pack has, the more power, but the more war. I don't want to endanger my back with you here. I'm keeping it plain and simple." His face was now very serious.
"I will give you money and one day. But I request one thing from you."

I look back at him, "and what's that?" I ask.

"Cut off all contact with this pack. Tomorrow, at noon, I will cut off your connection to this pack."

I nod, letting this all sink in. I don't reply and walk out, slamming the door behind me, garenteeing people would wake up. The scent of blood was in the air. The scent of the people I murdered. Who knew my life could take another twist.

Just when I was getting comfortable with a new pack and friends, it all had to be ruined! I just want a normal life! I feel tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away.

I stomp out the back door and right before the mansion is out of sight, I turn back, "Thank you for everything everyone." I turn back around and shift, not caring about the cloths.

Within minutes I was at my small house. I frown, I only have a few hours left with this place. I shift back and enter. It smelt like peppermint, I walked over to the candle and I hold it in my hands.

Why did I have to ruin it all? Smash. Glass is everywhere, along with peices of the candle.

The tears started to come back, but this time I let them fall. Like rain falling from a dark grey cloud. I needed to let it loose, and I did. I'm sobbing within seconds, screaming about how much of a fuck up I am. I'm losing everything! Everything.

I slowly get up and off the floor. My legs are shaky as I slowly drag myself to my room to pack all my stuff. I get out a big blue duffle bag and open it up.

I get a piece of notebook paper and a pen, to write fown everything I need to survive. I sniffled and wrote down- cloths, water, blanket, food, and money. That was all I really needed, but I still wrote down the list just in case my emotions made me forget something.

I go to linin closet and get a small, pink blanket that has penguins on it. Then I get the food from the kitchen. I got three water bottles and some food. And finally I went to my closet, which also held my safe. I type 2438 and it open up with a beep. I smiled at all the money, my precious... Then, I picked out a few simple outfits that I could live with.

All set to be a rogue.

I guess-

I guess so...

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