Chapter V

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Same Time




The door busted down and we all ran out at full speed. All of us spread far apart from each other, remembering what I said.

I passed by a few woman who had a horrified look on their face. Go ahead and stare.

It's been three fucking years since I have had fresh air. I smiled as I breathed in and out. You don't know how bad it was down there.

I was taken out of my zoning out state when I heard wolves howl. They're coming. I frowned and began running full speed again. I could slowly feel my powers returning. Slowly, but surely.

I knew where my old pack's border was so I aimed to get past there. So I know at the least I made it out safe. Most packs won't leave their borders to hunt someone unless they're extra dangerous. Not a one time killer.

Come on, just a little further. I hear loud footsteps behind me so I start running as fast as I can. Thankyfully it turns out to be faster then that wolf- or so I thought.

Someone tackles me and I'm brought to the ground with an umph. "Get the hell off me!" I shout, knowing that won't help me one bit. The wolf doesn't say anything and he just sits ontop of me. I struggle under his heavy body. "I'm never going back, so over my dead bloody fucking body!"

"Girl," the wolf mindlinks me, I turn to give him a confused look, "I am that man that was across from you." I was shocked. That old man could run so fast- must be nice to have a wolf.

"Thought I said to not go in groups. Including myself." I say, standing up as he got off me. I brushed the dirty of my rags with my hands. There's no point to it, so I have no idea on how I do it.

"Yes, but I actually wanted to ask you about joining my old pack I am returning to. You saved me after all." I was very skeptical, even though he has been down there most of his life. I shake my head to rid me of my thoughts.

"Okay, let's go- and hurry. We need to go," I say, getting prepared to run. He looks over at me and shakes his head. "What old man?"

"We need to find us some cloths to blend in. It's a long journey anyways." He made a really good point. Walking or running in bloody, torn up clothing was the dumbest thing ever.

I nod, "Where are we going to get cloths? A bit broke aren't we," I put my hands on my hips. In all honestly, I should be more respectful, but I just want to sleep on a real bed and get this day over with.

"Steal." Is all he replies before bolting off. How to get caught 101. Lessons from an old man. I run after him, but I could barely catch up, and when I did I was running so fast I felt like dying. After fifteen minutes he notices this and stops to look down at my heavy breathing figure. "The silver should have worn off by now. You should be able to shift."

I shake my head, a bit saddened when I remembered I haven't shifted yet. It is kind of embarrassing. "I haven't had my first shift yet, and I haven't eaten much so I'm not that strong." I say, then I realized how he was still strong enough to run so fast. That damn old man at all that bread.

"Well, let's leave their territory, find a place to sleep, cloths, and then we will talk about the issue." I nodded, even though he was facing the opposite direction of me.

We begin running again, but at a pace I can keep with without dying. My old pack's territory was small so it didn't take us too long to get out. Thankfully we got out unnoticed. Wonder how many other prisoners made it out alive. No time to think about them, I just need to focus on me right now.

During the three hours of jogging we both kept silent, to save our energy. Well, mine. And because there was nothing to talk about, we are escapees after all and have been stuck in cells right across from each other.

The sky started to torn a dark blue, it was getting close to night time. Something I have missed a lot. I remember last looking at the moon while holding Brooklyn's limp body in my hands. That is theast thing I recollect...

"Let's find a place to sleep." The old man mindlinks me and I nod in response, while breathing heavily from all that running. "Let's find a cave, or at least a good tree."

We looked around, but, sadly, to no avail there was no good place. You could also tell it was going to rain soon, so that did not help one bit. I find a fallen log and plop down on it to catch my breath. All I needed was a five minute break to regain my energy, so that is good. I look up at the night sky and smile, what a pretty view. I smile and notice one part of the sky is lighter than another. A city.

"Oldy, there's ligjt s that way, city lights." I point to the direction I saw them at. Thank god for light being able to reflect off low clouds. And thank god that it hasn't started raining yet.

"Let's go find us some cloths then. And please stop calling me old. I am only 50." I immediantly stop, 50? He looks 80! My eyes pop out of my head. "If you want to calle anything, call me June." he says as he begins walking. What a girly name for an old dude.

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