Chapter XIX

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Later That Day

"Hey babe," Ashton says, hugging me from behind as I try and cook some dinner waffles. "What's this?" he asks me, like it wasn't obvious, or it is so bad he can't even tell what it is.

"Duck shit," I respond sarcastically. My cooking is not that bad. Hopefully.

"Uhu, well, just tell me when youre done. I'll be in the living room," he says, leaving the room, byt not before kissing my cheek.

It was a few more minutes before the food was finished. I smiled as it didn't look too bad. But did it taste bad? I take a bite and I stair at the rest of the waffles. So plain. I get the syrup out of the fridge and another plate and fork.

"Ashton! Dinner!" I shout, too lazy to just get him myself.

I hear footsteps head into the kitchen. "Smells good," he says, taking his plate to go back to the sofa. I take mine and follow along.

We sit down and watch American Dad as we ate. Once we were done I debated on telling him about the rogue situation. It's now or never.

"Hey Ashton, there's some stuff I need to get off my chest."

"You can tell me anything," he says, still munchung on the waffles.

I tell him everything, from the SilverClaw pack to Austin and Issac. As I got deeper into the story, he payed more attention. Once I was done, he was silent, probably processing what I just said.

"So, what are we going to do?" he asks.

"Well, Austin and Issac thought about fighting. There's more rogues than just us and them."

"How about this, we meet up with your new guys friends and make a plan," Ashton reccomends. I nod in agreement.

For the rest of the night we fall asleep on the couch while cuddling. I really did like him. Probably the first person I will love and hopefully the last.

We have a real mate though. And with that I fall asleep.

The sky was red, pink, and orange. It reflected off the lake, as well as the sun setting. The nature was beautiful, but the air felt tense.

Dark eyes could be seen across the lake, just staring. A black wolf slowly walks out from the shadows, eyes as dark as the night sky. It held power, it was big as well.

It just stood there, not moving one bit. Well, that is until it howls. It was distressed. You couldn't understand what it was saying unless you felt what it was feeling before- not having someone you love.

After a session of distressed calls it collapsed on the ground. Dead or alive it was missing something- their mate.

I snap up, breathing heavily. What was that? It was hardly a dream. I wasn't even in it, like I was viewing from someone else's or nobodies perspective. That poor wolf, who was it? Maybe a vision, but those are hardly real. Probably a thought deep in your head that you don't even know existed.

I look over to my side and see Ashton snoring peacefully. I smile and kiss his cheek. He moves around a bit and wraps his arms around, pullung me down to his chest. "I love you.." he mumbles, probably talking in his sleep.

"Love you too," I say, falling back into a now dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next morning to no one next to me. I yawn and stretch my arms and legs, tired. That dream took the life out of me last night.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen to see Ashton eating some toast. "Hey Airybel, we are meeting up with Ashton and Issac in a hour. I texted them off your phone. Also, might want to get ready since it takes you forever," Ashton says, while staring at his phone.

"Yah, yah." I reply, heading to my closet. I grab all Adidas clothing. Keeping it to one brand today.

I blush my hair and look in the mirror

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I blush my hair and look in the mirror. I sure do look different from everybody else. It doesn't bother me usually until somebody talks about it behind my back. I put on some mascara to cover my white eyelashes. "Ready.." I tell myself as I head out.

Me and Ashton leave our apartment, locking the door behind us. We head deeper downtown and into a Starbucks. We were early so I decided to get some coffee and food, since Ashton just had to rush mw this morning.

"Is that them?" Ashton speaks uo, pointing to the two. I nod and usher them over here. They sit down and greet us.

"Okay, as we all know we are here to talk about the fact that the damn SilverClaw Pack wants to takeover this town and kick all the rongues out, correct?" Austin says, slamming his hand on the table which made a few heads turn.

"Yup," I say. What he said was right, he just forgot the part that we would be killed if we didnt leave.

He sighs, "So what do we do now?"

Everybody was silent. We were stuck and we knew it. It has been this way for me for awhile.

"We had the idea to fight them," Issac speaks up, breaking the deadly silence. "Like round uo all the other rogues in this area and fught back, forcing them to retreat."

"Yes, but would the rogues really do that?" I say, repeating what I said last time. I look over to Ashton and see him in deep thought. "Babe, you have any ideas?" I ask, a little hit hopeful.

"How about we try, if it fails..  then I guess we have to leave," he says, calmly. He doesnt tend to loose his cool. I haven't seen him loose it at least.

Me, Issac and Austin nod.

"Okay, from now on use your noses to find rogues and spread the word," Austin whispers. Everyone agrees. "Next time we meet, there should be more people," he adds.

"Yah... we me and Airybel have to get going to work. Text us when you want the next meeting," Ashton says, standing up. We say our goodbyes and leave the café.

"Nice guys, thankfully not flirty," Ashton holds my hand while I laugh. He hasnt really met Issac yet then.

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