Author's Note

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Hey guys, it's Inkfeather3. This is my first Wattpad novel, Eye of the Storm! Anyway, sorry for the author's note, I know they're annoying. Just a few things:

-Please no vulgarity or swearing in the comments. Alternatives gosh, crap, freak, etc etc.

-There might be other languages at certain points in the novel. The translation of the words will be in bolded parentheses next to them. If foreign words are repeated, the translation will not be posted again.

-Since Sokovia is a fictional country, I will be using Serbian for the twins' native language.

-Telepathic conversations will be in italics.

-I don't own anything except for the plotline. All the characters and stuff belong to Marvel.

-I appreciate feedback and I want to know exactly what you think, whether it's good or bad. Please be specific so I can make changes and improve my writing. (:

That's all! Have fun!

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