Chapter Twelve

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"Work harder than you think you did yesterday."

(Wanda POV)

Soon, they let me go back to my room. But I'm not better.

The doctors say the knife cracked a bone in my upper leg. They aren't sure exactly when I'll be able to walk again on my own.

Well, even if I can fly, I have to walk soon. I have to... run. Run, like Pietro. Yes, even if I can fly, I need to run.

Natasha makes it her mission to help me do just that. As soon as possible.


"Up, up, up, today's the day!" she yells.

I shake my head. "Sleep." And I turn over, away from her.

"No." Natasha reaches over the bed and pulls me into a sitting position. 

I sigh and slide slowly to the edge of the bed. My legs dangle over the carpet, one smooth and strong, the other still wrapped in white bandages like a demented birthday present."Okay?"

"Let's do this." She takes my hands. "You're going to stand."

"Oh, am I," I grump.

"Yep." And she pulls me to my feet.

I fall, catching her shirt and nearly pulling her down with me. "Freaking-"

She sighs and helps me up. "Okay- okay, Red. Hold on to me."

"Well, I was-"

"Red," she scolds. She holds my arms and I lean most of my weight on her rather than my bad leg. But I can feel the pressure, still.

"I'm hurting Vision," I protest. Oh, you idiot android, give me back the pain.

She only smiles slightly. "He can handle it. No more excuses."

I sigh and focus.

"Can you stand equally on both legs? Lean on me as much as you need."

I shift so that my bad leg is down next to the other. By now she is practically holding me up.

"Okay, so I thought of a thing... you know how you're like totally magical and amazing?"

I glare at her and adjust my death grip on her arms.

"So, can you hold yourself up with your powers?"

I still. I look up at her, not glaring this time. "...Maybe." Can I?

"Try." She slowly loosens her grip on one of my arms. As soon as I've lost her support on that side, I fall... and catch myself with a scarlet globe. I lean my hand on the magic, I can feel it moving under my palm. The feeling is comfortingly familiar.

"Wow," I whisper, watching the magic as if seeing it for the first time. I realize she's let go of the other side, too, but I have my scarlet shapes and I don't need to hold on.

"Thought that'd be nicer than a crutch or walker or something."

"Yeah," I say, looking up with a sideways grin. "It is."

And so I learn to walk with magic.


"Today's the day!" she says, just like yesterday. "On your feet, Scarlet girl!"

This time I don't groan. I move to the edge of my bed and conjure two red globes. I take hold of the magic and pull myself up.

She grins. "There you go."

I smile slightly, too.

"You're gonna walk farther today. How far are you going to walk, Red?"

"To the bathroom," I say with determination. I can at least do that. Also, I really need to go.

"To the bathroom it is." She gives a dramatic bow and sweeps her arms that way. "Use your magic, get to that toilet!"

I give her a look.

She shrugs. "Just being supportive. Right. Let's go!"


"Today's the day, Red!" I hear the same phrase yelled down the hall before she even comes in the room. And I smile to myself. Today it is.


"Today's the day!"


"Are you ready, Avenger?! Because TODAY IS THE DAY!"


"Scarlet girl, today's the day!"


"It's today! Today's the day!"


"Today is the day!"


"данас је дан, Црвена!" she yells. (Today is the day, Red!)

I sigh and turn to the door. "Your Sokovian is terrible."

"Well, I only know the one phrase." She smiles. "And hey, it's close to Russian, I should be able to-"

"Yeah, no, you're definitely failing at that."

She scoffs like she's offended.

It's been nearly two months since I started walking, and I'm getting pretty good at the scarlet crutches. I actually look forward to the mornings, when Natasha and I can take short walks and I can feel sort of like myself again.

Nat holds out her hands. I take them. She pulls me to my feet. Like usual, I try to pull my hands from hers to conjure something for balance. But she holds them tight.

"No magic today."


"No. You can do it." She slowly lets go of my hands.

I don't want to say it, but I'm afraid. I have to clench my hands into fists to keep the scarlet ribbons from appearing to help me. I'm leaning heavily on my right side, my good side.

"I don't think-" I begin.

"Shut up," she interrupts. "You're literally a superhero."

I let out a breath.

"Just stand. Put a little weight on your bad leg."

I shift my weight slightly that way. And slightly more. And then I'm standing on both feet. I am, I'm standing on both feet again.

"Nat," I whisper. "Look at me. I'm standing without magic."

She lightly punches me on the arm. "Yeah, I see you, Red." But she can't stop smiling either.

"I see you."

A/N yayy ScarletWidow brotp and happy recovery, if you are not smiling cutely I have failed.  lol well there's chapter twelve, love you guys, see ya soon ❤️❤️

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