Chapter Nine

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A/N Beforehand I'd like to mention that if you die while reading this I can't be held responsible. That's all.

"If I lose you, I lose everything."

(Vis POV)

The next day, I smile as I knock on her door. "Wanda?"

But, she does not answer.

I knock again. She does not train this early on Mondays. She should still be here. "Wanda?"

Vis! she replies, sounding far away. Help! Vi-

Wanda!  I burst through the door and she is gone. The closet door nearly broken off, the contents of her drawers scattered across the room, her guitar cracked on the floor.

Vision! she cries again. I run to the open window and see a shape erupting with panicked scarlet energy, falling, falling from the building. Something, someone, struggling. Then the red disappears completely and their flight straightens. Someone, holding a limp form in their arms, flies away, over the buildings, and disappears.

I fly from the window and scream her name. Wanda!  There is no answer. WANDA!

I fall from the air. She has been taken. Someone has taken my Scarlet Witch.


I refuse to go back to the base. The Captain is telling me that we will find her soon, but I need to find her now. I can only search, and search, and there is nothing. I can't stop searching or I feel she will slip away.

"Vision, you'll do more good at the base than flying all over New York City," he tells me.

"No, I will not." I land back on the roof of the building he stands on and go to the other side.

"Vision, please -" the Captain tries again.

But then Sam returns, and lands skidding on the concrete. "He's communicating with us! Her kidnapper! He's on in the conference room at the base!"

Without waiting to hear the rest, I shoot straight up into the air and like an arrow back where Sam came. When I phase through the wall, I hear a rough male voice over the speaker, and everyone is crowded around it.

"I know what you found in Sokovia, Stark," the man says. "And I know that all of you care for the girl - Wanda Maximoff." I hear her gasp in pain on the other end and my heart drops. "See, I'm not going to hold her for ransom. I'm not an idiot. I know you would save her. No, what I will do" - he laughs - "is hurt her."

Clint's hands curl into fists and I can barely breathe.

"I'll keep hurting her until you bring me what you found. Her powers are useless with my technology. I've hacked this line and it will stay on for you to hear her screams. Don't think you can trace this call. If the object isn't at the abandoned building next to the Avengers Tower within twenty-four hours, Stark, she will be dead."

My hands are shaking. I can't lose her.

After a short pause, he says, "Let's begin, shall we?"

Her scream is sudden, and high, and so full of pain that I can barely stand for the knife in my heart. And it does not end. And it does not end. I wonder how one person, so small, can scream for so long. And then it does end. Her gasps and sobs are almost worse.

Clint whips around and pins Stark against the wall with one arm. "WHAT DID YOU FIND?!"

"Nothing, I swear! He's crazy! There was nothing in Sokovia!"

Over their yelling arcs another scream. Wanda. Wanda. I have to help her. But there is nothing I can do.

"You're going to give me what you found, or so help me I'll-"

"IF I KNEW WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT, I WOULD HAVE HAD IT OUT THE MOMENT HE SPOKE! You're not the only one who cares about the kid, Clint!"

Clint steps back and runs his hand through his hair. He is breathing too fast. "We can't save her. She's going to die. He's going to kill her because we don't have what he wants, I can't breathe, he's going to kill my daughter."

At the next scream he flinches and throws a stack of papers from the table.

Natasha places her hand on his shoulder. "We'll save her. We're the Avengers, and she's an Avenger. We'll get her out of this."

He can only shake his head and try to breathe.

I press a hand to my forehead, eyes closed. And then I remember. We are connected. If I can speak to her, then I can take her pain. I concentrate, tuning out the voices of the others. Wanda. Is she too far away? Is she too hurt to recognize my presence? Wanda. I am desperate.


There. Before she can react, I find the place in her mind that recognizes pain. Quickly I draw a line from it to the Mind Stone.

Vis... no....

It is too late. The pain hits me all at once and her screams fade from the air. I fall against the wall and slide to the floor, my screams replacing hers, now. The others rush to me, and I am shaking, my shoulder, what has he done to her shoulder, because it hurts more than I thought was possible and I do not know how she is so strong.

"VISION!" Sam yells.

I can't answer. The kidnapper makes a sound of confusion at the end of her screams. Then my leg, a knife in her leg, and it twists, and I nearly black out from the pain, but catch myself. If I fall unconscious, she will feel it again. I force my eyes open and concentrate on the star on the Captain's shield. A wave of pain flashes through me. Through the pain I tell myself, For her. You can do it for Wanda.

"Find her," I manage to say. "She's hurt... she's -" a loud snap echoes from the speaker and I scream again, he has broken her arm, and I feel it as though it were mine. This is what I can do for her, I can keep the pain. With every scream I know for certain that I can't give it back. As long as I live, my Scarlet Witch will never feel such pain.

I clench my teeth and tighten my hands into fists. For her.

A/N Sorry, it's not fluff anymore... but I wanted to try this. Plz comment feedback, don't forget to vote, love you all ❤️

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