Chapter Three

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"You know how the moon only glows because it's reflecting off of the sun? Well that's me with him. He's my sun, and I only shine because he's there."

(Wanda POV)

T'challa shakes Vis' hand with a polite smile. "I didn't really get to meet you at the battle, you must be the Vision."

"Yes," Vis replies, nodding his head slightly. "And you must be the King of Wakanda. Your Highness."

"Oh please," the warrior replies. "Call me T'challa."

Vision gives a little smile. Then T'challa turns and motions down the hall with one hand. "Would you like a tour?"

Vis looks at me for support. I smile and nod at him, taking his hand to pull him forward with me. He smiles back.

"Yes, he would like a tour," I say for him.

"Wonderful," T'challa replies. "This way."

Vis doesn't let go of my hand as we walk down the white-carpeted hallway. His skin is warm in the way that a piece of metal left in the sun is warm and it's smooth in the same way. His scarlet hand is so much bigger than mine that his fingers curl over my entire hand. I don't let go either.

T'challa starts to lead us through the building, but I'm not really paying attention. With my hand in Vis' and standing right beside him, I feel more calm and at home than I have in... I don't know how long. 

I remember when the Vision was born. I didn't know him then. I thought he was strange - and he was - his mind was just empty of pain and anger and human emotions. But he had so much knowledge. As he became used to the world, I saw only two emotions appear. They were trust and kindness. He had no anger, fear, hate, disgust, or sadness. All of the emotions that began to appear in him were positive. 

On the worst day of my life, when I lost Pietro, Vision saved me. My city was falling from the sky, and I was falling with it, and he saved my life in more ways than one. When he did, I caught just the tail of another, stranger emotion inside him. I'd never felt it - I couldn't identify it. I wondered if it was a special android emotion. But I could tell that he was trying to hide it from me. I decided that I would let him keep that emotion as his secret.

As we got to know each other, we trained together every day. We became something like friends. He was still strange. But I didn't mind. He seemed more human than many humans I had known. 

And then something happened and Vis became my only confidant. For months I had had nightmares, but when I woke up screaming, nobody heard. I'd told FRIDAY not to tell the others. She reluctantly agreed. On this night I had the worst nightmare I'd ever had. I - I can't say what it was. I insisted that FRIDAY not tell anyone this time either, because I wasn't sure what they would do. I was afraid. I gave the excuse that they would all be asleep. But of course she realized that the Vision doesn't sleep, and she called him before I could stop her.

He flashed through the wall so soon after that that I was certain he'd flown at full speed. When he saw me curled up on my bed unable to stop crying, he knew. He knew it was the nightmares. He knew it was Pietro. So he sat on the very edge of my bed and placed his hand on my shoulder. He didn't say a word. When I had calmed a little and I sat up, he gently wiped my tears away and placed his arm around my shoulder. His only thought was to comfort me.

"Wanda," he said, his eyes fixed on mine. "Are you all right?" His smooth British voice was like a cool breath of air.

"Yes," I said, with a little smile. "I am now."

And that's when I knew that he was my home.

And here now in this strange place, with everything falling apart, he's still the only thing keeping me from falling apart myself.

If he hadn't come now, I don't know what I would do.

I think I am starting to understand the strange emotion that I saw inside him that day.


He stays the whole day, as long as he can. After T'challa's tour, Vis and I decide to go watch a movie (he still hasn't seen Princess Bride). We walk in the modern white and black living room and sit in front of the huge TV. Vis sits on the end of the couch, and I lean my head against his chest and pull my knees up next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder and smiles. He turns on the TV and I settle in to watch a movie with my best friend in the world. 

Behind us, where I can't see, Cap stands watching us. Leaning his shoulder against the wall, he smiles a little. Clint walks up next to him and crosses his arms.

"She looks happy," he says, too quietly for me to hear.

"Yeah," Cap agrees. "I think she really likes him."

"Hmm," Clint says. "Not sure how I feel about that."

Cap chuckles.

"What?" Clint finally turns away from the couch.

Cap shakes his head. "Nothing."

Clint stares at him.

"It's just... great how protective you are of her. You may not be her father, but you treat her like a daughter. I think she's grateful for that."

Clint looks back at where Vis and I sit. "Yeah?" He smiles a little. "Well as her father, I'll be waiting for my opportunity to get out my shotgun if she gets hurt."

Cap laughs. "You won't be touching a shotgun until Vision's dead. He'd value her life above his own."

"If he didn't, he wouldn't have come even this far. He's a good guy. I just don't want Wanda to get her heart broken. Not after everything she's been through already."

Cap just nods. They both look back at us on the couch. Then Cap turns away and walks back down the hall.

Clint stays and watches for a moment. He sees Vis look down at me and smile, brushing my hair gently behind my ear. From the doorway, Clint looks down. He smiles to himself, and then follows Cap back into the kitchen. "He's right," Clint whispers. "Won't be getting out that shotgun for a long time."

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