Chapter Ten

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"Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry, but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes."

(Vis POV)

Stark's technological abilities were clearly underestimated by Wanda's kidnapper, as Stark now manages to hack back into the call and trace it to a warehouse on the edge of the city. There is a bit of arguing over who should go, but when I scream through my teeth and arch my back in pain, they all agree that it doesn't matter and they have to get her now.

Barton, Wilson, Stark and Rhodes are the ones who go, from what I can tell. It all seems a little far away.

Hurry. Hurry, please. Save her.


I wait for the pain to come again. I wait, holding my breath. But this time it does not come. And it does not come. They have found her. She's safe now.

I hear her say, weakly, That's a lot of blood. My heart is beating too fast. Will she be all right?

I am still shaking and I feel too weak to stand. The Captain is there, he listens to something that Stark is telling him. Then he tells me, "They found her. But she's dangerously injured. There's - they can't - there's too much blood to find the source of it."

I take in a breath and close my eyes. "Her right shoulder. Some cuts on her face. But mostly her left leg, tell them it's her left leg." I am breathing quickly, too quickly, I am hyperventilating, I need to stop.

The Captain relays the information to them and tries to reassure me that she will be okay. Will she?

"I would like to see her," I say. "Could I have someone help me up, please?"

"No, Vision, that's a dumb idea," Romanoff says. "You're still in pain."

"Exactly. Her pain. Help me up." I reach out my arm and the Captain takes it, pulling me to my feet. I stumble, but lean against the wall. I find I can't float as I usually do. But I pretend that I mean to keep my feet on the ground. I take a deep breath. "I am well. Where is she?"

"Stark says they just landed, and they're going to the med bay. But maybe you shouldn't-"

I have left already, limping out the door because I can't phase through the walls. Why can I not go any faster? I reach the med bay the moment after she does. She is lying on a gurney, unconscious, and she looks so small with all of the Avengers and doctors crowded around her. They rush her away before I can reach her.

"Wait!" I call, but they are gone. I stumble on her injured leg and fall. I lean against the wall and cover my face with one hand. I need to hold her hand and know that she's real, and she's all right. Wanda. Wanda, please.


(Wanda POV)

I open my eyes to plain white walls and a perfectly smooth blanket. A soft beeping fills the air. A hospital room.

I reach up and touch the bandages on my shoulder. I still don't feel any pain. It's like I'm numb. Vision. Give it back. I joke.

No, he replies, and then I see him limp into the room. It is mine now. He tries to smile, but he looks so tired and his forehead is still creased with pain.

He's done this for me. Vision, I repeat. I don't know what else to say. Oh, Vis.

He steps slowly to the side of my bed and reaches down to take my hand. You are all right?

I'm fine now. Better because of you.

Now he really does smile and tightens his hand on mine. I was so worried.

I was worried about you too. You shouldn't have done that. Only one of us had to get hurt.

Yes, he agrees. And I would rather that it was me. But I could do nothing about your actual injuries.

You've already done so much.

He looks down at me and his blue eyes are just slightly red around the edges. I had to.

He just barely smiles and sits down on the chair by my bedside, not letting go of my hand. For a moment, we are silent. Then I say aloud, "Vis. Sleep, please. I know that you're not human. But you've been carrying my pain all day. I can take it for one night."

He meets my eyes. "Wanda-"

"Please, Vision."

He nods reluctantly. "But I will not - I am not leaving you alone."

I smile. I'd rather he didn't. I feel safer with Vis by my side.

When he falls asleep, I feel it all come rushing back, and have to hold back a gasp so I don't wake him. He's been carrying all that, for me.

Why should he care so much about the Scarlet Witch?

Nobody else does.

A/N welp i've finally posted it. hopefully when school's out i won't take so long to update. ❤️🐒 I love to read your comments, don't stop shipping, love you all

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