Chapter Eight

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"It's better to love too hard than too late."

(Wanda POV)

I lie on the bed, my magic swirling above my head in patterns and shapes. My fingers move absentmindedly to control them as I think, and can't stop thinking. Yesterday... Vision... and I can't stop remembering that exact moment, the moment when he kissed me.

Because I have been wanting to kiss him for weeks. When the Sokovia Accords were introduced, and I was taken from him, I suddenly realized that he is the only one who understands me. He is the only one who I can really talk to. He is the only one who can comfort me just by being there. I missed him. So much.

But it wasn't until he got back that I realized that I loved him as more than a best friend. And then he asked me out... and I was afraid, because I didn't think that he could really love me. Who could? And then I couldn't wait anymore and regardless of my fear, I kissed him first. 

It was amazing.

I didn't know that it was possible, to feel so much and to love so much at once. But I suppose... that's the Vision. That man with his scarlet skin and his blue eyes and his beautiful little smile. And his wonderful peace and optimism, all the time. How can he always be so happy?

I grin and my scarlet ribbons swirl. If only Pietro could have met him. That's the only thing that would make me happier: to have my brother with me. My twin brother. I can almost imagine him giving Vis protective-brother death glares from the other side of the room.

Three clear taps sound from my door.

"Come in," I call, sitting up, slipping into a cross-legged position.

The door opens. It's Vis himself. "Good morning, Wanda," he says.

"Morning, Vis," I reply.

He motions to the spot beside me, and I nod. He sits, clears his throat. "I have been thinking... about yesterday," he says slowly.

"Me too," I say, my smile twitching sideways.

"I-" he stops, thinks. "I wondered- what does it mean for - for us?"

I bite my lip thoughtfully and take his hand in both of mine, playing with his fingers.

He ducks his head to hide a smile. 

"Well," I say. "I guess that depends what we want it to mean." I know what I wish it meant. But what are the chances that he wishes the same thing?

He is confused. Adorably confused. "Wanda," he continues, "I spoke to-"

A single loud knock interrupts him, almost like someone knocked with whatever they were holding instead of their knuckles.

"Yeah?" I call, letting go of Vis' hand.

The door bursts open and Nat's head pops into view. "I heard!"

Sam appears behind her. "Dang, girl!"

Then EVERYONE else, even Rhodey and the rarely seen Sharon, push through the door.

"Nice going, kid!"

"We want to know everything!"

"You guys are adorable!"


That last one was Clint, if you can't tell.

I sigh and cover my face with one hand. "How the heck do you guys already know?"

Stark raises his phone, not a bit guilty. "Sorry, kid. You two just - you're so cute."

I shake my head, unable not to smile and blush, unintentionally admitting it to be true.

Vis smiles too, and surprises me when he takes my hand again and squeezes it lightly. "Well...."

"Details!" Nat calls with a grin.

Clint pushes to the front of the others. "WE DON'T WANT DETAILS!" He glares at Vision just as I'd imagined Pietro would do.

I laugh. Here I am being teased about my love life by the entirety of the Avengers, ONE FRICKIN DAY AFTER THE KISS! These boys are insufferable. Yep, we've certainly got shippers.

"You jerks," I say fondly. "Get out."

Raising her hands in surrender, Nat leads the way out of my room. "I'll want the full story later today!" she calls.

I sigh as the last one, Sam, finally leaves, with a very obvious wink in my direction.

I turn back to Vis. "You were saying?"

But before he can speak, a stranger with chin scruff swaggers into the room and straightens his leather jacket. In a British accent he says, "Well! I was in Bora Bora enjoying a nice argument with my ex-wife, but then you Avengers had to go and kiss and make me come over here to give you my relationship advice." He looks around my room. "Got any beer, luv?"

Another stranger, a tall, blond woman, stares at him from the doorway. "Hunter," she scolds.

Vis and I just stare.

"What?" he asks. "It was a perfectly valid question."

"Ah," Vis asks. "Who might you be?"

The Brit bows extravagantly. "Lance Hunter, at your service. And this here is -"

"Bobbi Morse," the blond interrupts. She flips the baton she is holding behind her back and holds out the other hand. "Sorry about that idiot."

"Hey!" Hunter pretends to be offended.

Well, I have no idea who this crazy couple could be, but I have a feeling that they are going to have just wonderful advice about relationships. 

A/N well. awkward conversation, check. Avengers teasing them, check. Huntingbird cameo, uh, triple check... I'm not sure that was a good idea.

anyway, there you go! don't forget to vote and please comment below EVERYTHING you hated and EVERYTHING you liked. love you guys ❤️❤️

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