Chapter Sixteen

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(Recommend reading to music, ex: Mercury by Sleeping at Last)

"I'd be lying if I told you losing you was something I could handle."

(Wanda POV)

The pop of gunshots wakes me. I slide from my blankets and limp to the door, cheating with the help of magic. I pull it open. "What's going on?" I call to my teammates and the agents rushing down the hall.

"Thanos worshippers attacking the tower!" Sam yells back. "Vision's holding them off, stay there!" His wings snap open and he flies over black-suited agents in front of him.

It makes sense for me to stay. I'm still injured. But Vision, Vision's the one carrying the pain, he has been for weeks. How long can he hold out against an army when he's weakened by my own torture?

I hurry to the window and look out. There are so many people. They have guns, stolen guns, and some bulletproof vests. They wear no uniform but a purple band on their foreheads. Above them I see Vision, mind stone lit up like a star, and cape twisting as he dodges their bullets.

Vis, I say, Let me take it, the pain. 

No, he says, and he fakes a teasing smile.

Don't be stupid, you're fighting. Let me take it.

No, he repeats, but he's breathing hard when he shouldn't have to breathe at all.

I know it's more than you've let on. I don't want you to get hurt. Please.

He's flying too low. The next bullet deflects off his vibranium shoulder. No.

I don't want you to die.

He fires from his golden stone, felling five purple-banded soldiers. Machine gun fire whistles past his head.

I curse and pull on the mental line that connects us. "Idiot selfless android, give it back," I say aloud. It's my pain.

He holds on. His cape is riddled with bullet holes and he's tiring. I know our team is coming, but they can't phase through the walls like he did, and they won't get there in time. 

He doesn't phase in time to miss the next bullet, and it cuts through his leg. He grits his teeth and fires again.

"Freaking robot and your freaking- robot- heart-" with each word I fight him to take back my pain. The world starts to blur.

Vision, please, I can't lose you.

I told you, he says, the pain belongs to me now.

No, I say, and my throat is tight and I'm desperate. I pull again, but I'm not strong enough.

Another bullet fires; he hears it too late.

He falls.


"VISION!" I scream aloud. I slam my fist into the window. Again. Again, with a burst of scarlet, and the glass shatters, slicing my hand. I ignore it and pull myself onto the windowsill, bare feet on broken glass. VISION!

He doesn't answer. I duck the jagged window frame and jump. Scarlet lines flash from my hands, and I fly above the battle.

Vision, answer me!

Salty tracks stain my cheeks. I can't lose anyone else, I can't lose my Vision. My hands are shaking almost too hard to keep myself airborne.

I turn, they're everywhere, I can't even see where he fell, I can't even see his mind stone glowing. 


My heart is gone from my chest, my stomach is tight, he's gone and I can barely breathe.

Then something flies towards me, something small and black. It clicks to my shoulder like a magnet. My magic flickers and then disappears.

And I'm falling. I'm spinning, trying desperately to catch myself, but I can't. I can't. It's just like his dream, but this time, we won't wake up.

I'm going to die.

(At least I'll be with you).

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