Chapter Two

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"What a privilege it was to matter to you."

One week later(Vision POV)

I pace slowly back and forth in front of the huge glass window. I am lost in thought. Mr. Stark is not sure how to speak to me anymore, not after the incident at the airport battle. It was my fault, even if Mr. Rhodes does not blame me. And I have discovered a new emotion - guilt. It is powerful. I find myself wondering if this is what Wanda feels. What she felt after the explosion in Lagos. Even as she saved many more lives, those she lost have affected her. And now I think I understand.

I do miss her. I wish that she could be here instead of on the run from the government. And I wish I could at least know that she is safe.

As soon as the thought enters my head, the phone rings.

It is a strange number. I pick up.

"Avengers Tower, the Vision speaking."

"Vision!" the voice says. "Are you alone?"

I recognize the voice immediately. It is the Captain. "Yes, sir. I am currently alone."

"How fast can you get to Wakanda?" he asks.

I smile to myself. So that is where they have been hiding. The country of Wakanda. Hidden by King T'challa. Of course. I almost laugh at the irony of it all.

"Vision?" he asks.

"I can be there very quickly, Captain."

I place my hand on the glass window and look out over the city.

"I can be there in no time at all."


When I arrive at the place where the second half of our team has been hiding, I phase directly through the wall, startling Scott Lang.  He gasps and then points at me with his mouth hanging slightly open.

Sam, the Captain, and Clint all stand. Natasha does not move from where she is lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

"You're that robot dude we were fighting at the airport! What's he doing here?" he directs the question to the Captain behind him. 

"Relax, Scott," the Captain says. "I called him."

"You - you what?" he asks incredulously.

Sam Wilson crosses his arms. "Yeah, Cap, why the **** do we need the toaster?"

"I thought he might... help Wanda," Cap says reluctantly, letting out a breath. "To make her feel less homesick. And we all know that his presence helps her control her powers. Given what happened last week, he could be a help with that."

Last week, he says? What happened a week ago?

Clint narrows his eyes. I know that he feels very protective of her.

"I am not here to fight," I say.

Natasha finally speaks, without looking up. "Guys, chill. He's the Vision, for crying out loud. What did you think he was going to do, murder us all?"

"You're right," Clint says flatly. "But I don't have to like it." He keeps his eyes trained on me.

"Thank you," I say with a nod. I motion towards the hallway, where I can detect her body heat a few rooms down.

Cap nods, and with Sam, Clint, and Mr. Lang still staring after me, I walk out and down the white hallway to her room.

I knock lightly.

"Come in," Wanda says.

I open the door, looking in. She is lying on her blanket with a book open in front of her. She looks up after a second. When she sees me she does a double take before breaking out into a grin. "Vision!" she says, quickly getting up from her bed to wrap her arms around my waist, which is as high as she can comfortably embrace me.

I love how she says my name, in her strange and beautiful Sokovian accent.

He head is against my chest and her arms around me. The close contact makes my heart rate speed up and my skin warm and I suddenly freeze, unsure what to do. Something unidentifiable fills my chest. This is definitely not normal.

I carefully and lightly place my arms around her shoulders.

I realize I like the feeling in my chest. I hold her tighter for just a moment before she pulls back. 

"How are you here?" she asks, her smile still on her face. She is beautiful when she smiles. She is always beautiful. And I love being the one to make her smile.

I can't help smiling back, rather widely. I can't move my eyes away from her. Then I realize she is waiting for an answer. "Mr. Stark doesn't know," I assure her. "The Captain called me. And I - I wanted to see you."

Her smile twitches up.

"What is it?" I ask, suddenly afraid that I have said something wrong.

"Your voice," she says. "I'd forgotten how it sounds."

I don't know how to respond. I chuckle a little. I have the perfect British accent of the late JARVIS. I've never really thought about how it sounds. Now I am glad that it sounds well to her.

"I'm glad you're here," she says, tugging on her sleeve. The action is endearingly awkward.

I missed you very very much. I am not sure if I say this out loud.

Then she smiles. Me too, Vis. So much.  And it is like I hear her voice directly inside my head. Instantly I understand that we are speaking telepathically. I did not think it was possible... but I find I do not care about the impossible.

Did you? I ask silently. 

Yeah, she replies, with that beautiful smile still on her face. I did. 

A/N hey shippers, hope you liked that chapter. plz don't forget to comment and vote and i'd love ideas for scenes if you have any

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