Chapter 28

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--= Mark's + POV =--

My eyelids fluttered open, and the darkness of my room was somewhat illuminated by the sunlight trying to shove itself through the blinds and into the room to hurt my eyes even more. My head pounded heavily, and the strings that tried to tug everything together and remember what exactly happened last night weren't functioning. 

I tilted my head to the left and on the night stand I saw two things, a glass of water, and two pills probably for the headache. How much did I exactly drink last night? That is probably a good question most won't know, I don't even remember much of last night, it must've been one hell of a party.

 Put onto autopilot my feet swung out from below me and landed on soft ground as my right hand grasped the glass of water and my left snatched up the two pills. Plopping the pills into my mouth, I downed the drugs with water and once I swallowed, could already feel myself easing up on tension.

 A sigh escaping a pair of lips I owned, I stood up and sauntered my way heavily and lazily through the bedroom door, through the hallway and managing to seat myself down not thinking onto a chair.

 I didn't instantly recognise it, but when I opened my eyes more after I yawned I realised Jack was in the Kitchen cooking breakfast, his back facing towards me. A sloppy grin placing itself onto my lips, I yawned once more, then began to speak. 

"Good morning beautiful." I purred, my voice rising yet again on a yawn. Waiting for Jack to turn around and grin at me, chuckle as he continued doing his work or just straight up reply to me I frowned to realise he was not going to. 

Unease erupting inside of me slightly, stirring itself, I jostled it down calmly and found myself asking again for reassurance, doubting Jack would ignore me entirely. 

"How did you sleep?" The grin was on my face, but instead of delight I was now only keeping it up by the shreds of terror and fear that suddenly bestowed itself upon me. 

Jack continued saying nothing, and in fact while he was cutting up vegetables he slammed the knife down rather harshly once I called his name for the third time now, obviously giving me the signs he didn't want to talk causing my mind to go into worry mode. 

Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did anything I remembered, wait, last night....I must have done something...Hurt him maybe? Or......Another thing........Am I naked? 

No, I'm wearing boxers. But I could've put those in before I went to bed, or Jack.... oh my god what if he saw my love rocket! Oh no!...I am so scared right now I seriously think I might have raped a psycho while I was drunk. Uh oh. This is bad this is really bad! AGH! Why can't I think right! 

Cause you fucked a psycho. 


"So when are you taking me?" Jack's clear, accented voice sliced through the thoughts in my brain all except for the dirty ones, and once he said those words I instantly felt my cheeks flush and the blood behind my face rose in temperature increasingly so.

"Taking you..Where?" I stammered, Jack looking me up and down, trying to see if I was okay in mental health he shook his head and turned his back towards me continuing making breakfast. I didn't bother to look at whatever he was cooking, I know it was going to turn out delicious no matter which way he made it.

"Back to the asylum."

"......Jack, why would I take you back to the asylum?"

"Because I want to go back." Jack answered, his voice slithered down from a casual tone into one that was made out of icy water. It made my stomach squirm in discomfort, but I toughened it out and stared at Jack trying to comprehend why in the world he would even think about wanting to go back.

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