Chapter 50

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--= Mark's + POV =--

The hallway was dead silent and it only caused the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach to stretch further through the rest of my body. My heart was pounding quickly, anticipating and awaiting for Jack to come through those doors wounded, or not come out at all. 

It's been scaring me, it's almost been two hours from when the door shut as he was walking in and still nothing. The lady went to go get a coffee for the both of us at a little cafe, but that was fifteen minutes ago and I haven't moved ever since I slumped down into a seated position.

 She'll be back eventually, I'm just not sure how long. My mind continued to race will all sorts of possible awful things, like his expiration date just happened to be today and he died while taking the tests. 

Or they killed him. 

My throat tightened at the thought of that one. I just couldn't lose someone like him, he's been through so much and only shown violence and harshness yet he's so kind, and he's so sweet. He makes my heart melt whenever I see him and I just love him so much. He's the most precious person to me right now.

These thoughts continued up until I heard the sound of a door knob turning and snapped my head upwards to see Jack pushing the door open, a small smile on his face. There was something stirring behind his eyes, I noticed it right away and when he went to reach out a hand his eyes widened with surprise to see his fingernails were green.

Trying to bring them back to his sides, I latched onto one of his hands and pulled him towards me engulfing Jack in a hug. Squeezing him tightly, I buried my face into his shoulder, trying to even my breaths so I wouldn't cry at a god damned asylum.

Jack's body relaxing, he slung his arms around my shoulder and rubbed my back, trying to soothe me and calm me down.

"It's okay baby, it's okay I'm right here. I'm sorry I scared you, I'm fine I promise." A sniffle escaping from me, my face burned when I realised a tear was falling down my face. Opening up my mouth to say something, he put a finger to my lips and smiled at me, his eyes filled with sympathy.

"Shh shh shh love, it's okay I promise, we're gonna go home and you can cuddle with Chica and I, and we'll have a movie marathon and I'll make you some hot chocolate okay?"

"Pulling away to look at him and his charming smile, the weight in my chest lifted a bit when I heard our day plans and I nodded, a small grin making it's way on my wet face. Wiping away the tears, I continued to nod.


Jack lead me back to the front desk where they explained things about what to do when he sets off, to be armed and to call the asylum or the police department right away and do not attempt to settle him down once he's triggered on my own since he can easily kill a man while in that phase.

It was, very unsettling. Jack kept looking around nervous, and shifted from foot to foot but seemed like he was trying to look calm. Even though he was not. A man walked into the asylum, a smile on his face as he walked over to the desk and looked over the substitute who was replacing the lady.

There was mumbled chatter between them, the secretary asking what he needed and if she could be of any assistance and he just said something under his breath I couldn't hear. But for some reason Jack just grew more and more nervous. 

Casting a worried glance at me then at the man, he went back to concentrating on the guards who were talking through the steps that never seemed to end. The asylum was filled with chatter today, I guess that's what was making Jack unsettled since this place was usually dead silent.

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