Chapter 46

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--= Jack's + POV =--

He didn't say anything. He didn't really have to honestly, he just held me tight and didn't let go. Not like I minded. My arms hung loosely around him, my heart slowly having weight lifted off of it little by little, pulling away from him slowly, I stared at his face to see his eyes were teary.

A pang smacking into my chest, I leaned in close to him and wiped the tears away from his eyes, my face softening into one of concern. Maybe I was a bit too rough... Mark raised his hand, and I flinched for a split second which caused him to yank backwards in guilt. But I instantly destroyed the space between us once more.

I grabbed his hand gently and placed it on my shoulder as I continued wiping away the tears and stroking his face soothingly. Mark leaning his face into my touch a small smile fell onto my face as I stared at him. I've gone in too deep, but I couldn't care at this point. I've fallen in love with my saviour.

I admit it to myself now. Mark's my hero. I rested my head on his chest, slumping onto him causing him to jolt with sudden alarm. Placing his hands on my shoulders and pulling me away to look at me, I gave him a small smile and the worry etched on his face turned into one of some sadness.

He smiled sadly at me, and intertwined our hands. Letting him lead me, we made our way up the stairs and to the bedroom where we went on opposite sides of the bed and made our way to the middle. Wrapping our arms around each other I melted into his embrace. My head planting itself on his chest, his chin rested on my head as he stroked my hair.

Closing my eyes and letting out a sigh, I listened to his heartbeat as he just slowly pet my head, combing his hands through my hair I pushed myself further into him so there was practically no space at all.

Mark realising what I was trying to do, he pulled me closer tightening his grip on my back as he brought me closer to him. One hand on his chest and the other curled around myself, a shaky breath made it's way out of my mouth as all the stress left my body. The worries were still there, but they lay dormant for now settled at the back of my mind.

"You know I love you too, right?" 

My eyes snapping open wide, I felt my heart stop as I pulled away so I could stare at his face. He had a lazy smile on his face, and a genuine light shone in his eyes as he stared at me. His coffee eyes glistened with meaning and I could feel my heart pick up speed.

Crawling back over to him, I connected our lips softly, and when I started pulling away he followed after me. My hands instinctively wrapping around his waist and one placed on the back of his neck, I pulled him closer and leaned back so he was on top of me.

The kisses picking up, I tugged on his shirt and he got the message as he started taking off his shirt, getting up so he was sitting on me, I sat up and left a trail of kisses where the shirt was leaving, kissing all the way up to his neck I nibbled the spot on his collar bone and he shuddered, it being a sensitive spot.

Mark using his hand to press me back down onto the bed, he slipped my shirt off with ease and I let my hands roam free around his body as my shirt was being pulled off. The shirts tossed to the other side of the room, I rammed my lips onto his and he gladly obliged grinding his body on top of me.

Laying on top of me he placed one hand on my head as he pulled me into the kiss deeper. Destroying every inch of space between us, when there was any we would push it away and melt onto each other. My face hot, I arched my head upwards as Mark licked a spot on my neck which caused my entire body to electrify.

Pressing my forehead against Mark's, our lips no longer touching, I let out a heavy breath as I opened my eyes to see him have the same expression on his face that I felt. His coffee eyes shining with lust I felt a smile grow on my face as I let out a breathy laugh. Mark giggling as well, he slipped his lips back onto mine and we continued.

Figuring I'd have a little fun, I let my eyes flash green and flipped Mark over with ease as I was now on top. Mark seeming surprised by this, my vision faded back to normal as I slid down and away from his lips which caused him to frown.

 Staying near his chest, I slid my cool fingers across his nipples earning the sound of Mark sucking in a breath. Smirking, I let my tongue drag over them and I paused to feel a bump where my lower half was. Peeking down below me to see a bulge in Mark's pants, I met eyes with him and I felt my smirk grow bigger as I melted back into what I was doing.

Slithering upwards earning a moan from him as I brushed against his bulge, I licked a spot on his neck as my left hand continued stroking his chest while the other was slinking up and down along his side. Opening my mouth a small bit, careful not to bite him, I placed my lips on the spot I licked and began to suck.

Mark wriggling a small bit below me, I closed my eyes and let out a breath through my nose as I felt a pool forming inside my stomach like honey. My hand leaving his side, I slowly trickled it down so it was cupping his member, squeezing it, Mark arched his back and I felt my heart kick up.

My pants growing tighter, I cursed and looked down to see I had a bulge as well. Not entirely sure why we had bulges, I decided rather to just enjoy the feeling while it was here and I began fondling with his bulge, massaging and squeezing, Mark's hands slammed down onto the bed where he gripped the sheets causing me to giggle a small bit.

My hand slipping into his pants easily, I tugged at his boxers and spread my fingers out across his skin, his skin warm compared to mine Mark's grip merely tightened on the sheets. Slowly making my way down, I circled my fingers around his member and he let out what almost sounded like a growl.

A shock of electricity going through me, I let out a heavy breath as I cupped his balls, stroking them and then sliding my way onto the bottom part of his member Mark closed his eyes and muttered curses under his breath causing me to laugh. Slinking my hand away, I trailed upwards back to Mark and pressed my forehead against his as I laid on top of him.

"You know that's not fair right?" Mark breathed out, his hands going to hide his face with his hands, no longer on the bed sheets I blinked staring at him, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about.


"Aughhhhhhh don't play that shit with me." Letting out a tiny giggle, I slid off of Mark and patted the side of the bed where he was supposed to be. Mark letting out one final curse, he crawled up to the spot and stared me in the eyes, his coffee eyes filled to the brim.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mark scowling, his eyebrows furrowed as he glared at me.

"The eye thing, I saw that."

"I don't think you're referring to that, I think you're referring to my skills." I bragged. Mark letting out a huff, I cracked one eye open to see he was putting on a poker face. A smile growing on my face, I scooched closer and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you."

"Shut up already." Mark laughed, gently pushing me away I let out a giggle as I intertwined our hands together, glancing up at him to see me staring at me, a genuine smile melted onto his face as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled away.

"I love you too."



I think I did a good here ;) I enjoyed this chapter, not like that but I mean, I actually enjoyed writing this chapter, made my heart all warm and fuzzy, anyways guys THIS WAS FOR YOU!

And before you ask, no, this is probably going to be as far as I'm gonna go with....Intimacy... Probably 0-0...


I said it was a mature book for a reason :P So don't blame me! You're the one who was reading a Septiplier book, what'd you expect? XD

:3 anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Long chapter, lots of progress, I liked it :D

See ya! <3

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