Chapter 38

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I was currently sitting on the floor outside of the operating theatre, it's probably been almost 10 hours, maybe more, I lost count. The whole time I spaced out and felt weaker each second.
My head was buried in my legs.
Taylor gave up trying to calm me down, he too, along with mum, feared the worst.
"It's all my fucking fault," I said to myself for the 100th time.
"Don't say that!! Have some hope Jason! Look at me," mum knelt down beside me, the worry and red eyes told me she too had been crying for hours on end.
"Have faith, Ella will get though this!" She wiped my eyes and hugged me tightly.
My eyes stung, I've never felt more tired, it was 4am.
I didn't get a chance to go back and see Emilia. I was waiting for someone to walk through those door and tell me, Ella was ok. That's what I hoped and prayed for right now.

-Half an hour later-
Mum and Taylor were in another waiting room. I was either pacing outside or siting outside, yes on the floor, what's wrong with that?
While I was leaned up against the door outside of the operating theatre,
"Jason Williams?"
I stood up in a flash of lightening and stuttered,
"I-is she ok? Tell me she's ok!" The nurse pulled down the band covering her mouth,
My heart was beating so fast, it'd rip out of my shirt the next minute. I couldn't stop another swear bead falling from my forehead. My tears had dried up. Please God, save Ella.

(The suspense is killing me, how about you guys? I'm sorry, just being an annoying asshole here, back to the story)

"Your very lucky, we-"
I didn't need to hear anymore, I gripped onto the wall with a clenched fist and cried with tears of happiness. I turned back to her and shook her hand,
"T-thank you so much, for saving her, t-thank you," the nurse smiled at me, her eyes too, looked red,
"It wasn't all us, your wife is a fighter, you see, after birth she suffered major blood loss in her lower abdomen area, thus making childbirth hard for her. Our whole staff, we were all aware of the fact, that your wife, her body is already quite frail, but in the end, she kept going, I'm very happy for you sir,"
I wiped my eyes and a rushed feeling of joy swept through me,
"C-can I see her?" I said in a hoarse tone,
She smiled softly and led the way.
It was a different room, I ran to Ella's side as soon as I saw her lying there.
She look more peaceful. She was sleeping on her side. She had two machine placed by her.
Once I stroked her hair she softly and slowly fluttered her eyes open.
"Jason..." She whispered, her face was a porcelain white,
"Ella baby, I'm here honey," I knelt down next to her and held her cheek. Fighting back my tears.
She held onto my hand and buried her cheek deeper into my touch.
"I was so scared..." She softly teared up,
I moved closer and places my face by hers, soothing her by words of comfort,
"Shh, it's ok baby, I-I was too, but look, you done it, your ok, Emilia's waiting for you too," we both smiles through our tears.
"I can't wait to hold her," she said while gripping onto me tighter.
"You will,"
"I love you so much Ella, I'm so glad your ok," tears fell from my eyes, it was over an hour I had waited for news if she was ok. I thought, this is it, I lost her forever, Emilia's going to grow up without her mum. How will I cope alone. I need Ella, I've always needed her. But she came through....

"We just need her in for two more days to check her stability, clean little Emilia up, run some tests on her, then you can both go home," the nurse informed before leaving us alone.
I could tell she was still weak.
"Do you want to rest for a bit while I go?" I ask, standing up. She makes a little noise,
"Mm, no, don't go, can you stay here with me," she blinks sweetly at me, I nod without hesitation, glad I don't have to leave. I pull up the chair and as I'm about to sit down, she shakes her head slightly.
I watch as she tries to get up, I quickly help her straighten her back, she moves over a little, and motions for me to sleep next to her, I laugh slightly and smile at her adorable gesture.
"Next to me?" She asks,
"Of course," I gently lift the sheets and lay down beside her. She automatically scoots closer to me and rests her arms on my chest.
"Don't leave me Jason," she says into my chest, i smooth my thumb along her cold cheek and whisper back,
"I'll never leave you, don't forget that," I feel her smile into my chest and bury her head and body closer to me, looking for warmth. I find my comfort, knowing she is beside me.
I pull the thin sheet around her small body and tangle my arm around her waist, pulling her in. I kiss the top of her head, thanking God, for keeping her with me.
"I love you Ella," I softly whisper.
"I-I love you too..." She shakily replies back. Her body becoming still underneath mine.
I let that loose tear fall, Ella's ok, she almost didn't make it, buts she's here now, that's all that matters.
I grip onto her tighter, never letting her go.

Ok, this may sound like the last chapter, but it's not! Trust me people! But OMG, you guys scared me by your comments! Not really but of course no one wanted her to die, i was really close to making her die though....really really close! But didn't!!! Hooray! Anyway I hope you loved this chapter! Sorry if it was short, love you all


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